Phyllodoce aleutica
Aleutian mountainheath - Phyllodoce aleutica.
It is distributed mainly on the islands: Commander, Kuril, Sakhalin. In Kamchatka it grows together with Phyllodoce caerulea and hybridizes. Outside of Russia, Phyllodoce aleutica lives in Japan (Hokkaido Island), the Aleutian Islands, and Alaska. It grows on rocky slopes, bare mountains, and in shrub tundra. Depending on the humidity of the habitat, the plant changes its size and structure. Tillering begins at 5 years and lasts up to 20 years. Life expectancy is more than 50 years. It is close to Phyllodoce caerulea. It differs from it in more multi-flowered (6-15) inflorescences, shorter peduncles, a greenish-white colour of the calyx and corolla, and their smaller size. The height of the bush is 20-30 cm. The leaves are linear, 8-14 mm long, bright green above, yellowish below. The flowers are water lily-shaped, slightly inclined, open in July-August (in nature - in April-May). The fruits ripen in September.
The leaves have medicinal value. They contain phenolic carboxylic acids and flavonoids. In cultivation since 1915.
Agrotechnics: the distance between plants when planting is 30-50 cm. The root collar is 2 cm below ground level. All container plants must be thoroughly watered before planting, the lump must be saturated with moisture. Grows on any soil: sandy and peaty. Does not tolerate soil compaction. Soil mixture: sand, peat and turf soil in equal volumes.
Optimum soil acidity pH 4.5. Drainage from sand or crushed stone with a layer of up to 10 cm. It is not demanding to soil fertility.
In spring, once a season, add a complete mineral fertilizer - nitroammophoska (50-60 g / m2), dig into the soil and water. Do not water during normal rainfall. During the dry season, water once every 2 weeks, 0.5 buckets per 1 m2. Does not tolerate stagnant water. Young plants in a dry period require more frequent and abundant watering and spraying.
Mulching young plantings with peat is mandatory, a layer of 5-6 cm. When pruning, remove only dry shoots. Pruning adult plants to stimulate branching should be done carefully. Pests and diseases in the culture are not found.
Winters under the snow.

Phyllodoce aleutica
Aleutian mountainheath. Bot. syn.: Menziesia aleutica Spreng.