Alpine aster (mix)
Aster alpinus.
A perennial shrub plant about 30 cm high. Flowers appear in large numbers in May and June.
An unpretentious plant. The main condition for successful cultivation is to provide well-permeable alkaline soil containing calcium and a sunny location. (Otherwise, this aster will not stay long on your site...)
It is characterized by compact growth and abundant flowering.
Propagated by seeds, sowing in open ground on ridges. It can be propagated by dividing the bush, as well as by ground shoots. To successfully cultivate alpine aster, you need to constantly renew or divide the clumps in about the third year, since with age the plant becomes very thick and begins to partially die.
Most often used for borders, groups in the foreground, in mixborders, and on alpine slides.
A perennial shrub plant about 30 cm high. Flowers appear in large numbers in May and June.
An unpretentious plant. The main condition for successful cultivation is to provide well-permeable alkaline soil containing calcium and a sunny location. (Otherwise, this aster will not stay long on your site...)
It is characterized by compact growth and abundant flowering.
Propagated by seeds, sowing in open ground on ridges. It can be propagated by dividing the bush, as well as by ground shoots. To successfully cultivate alpine aster, you need to constantly renew or divide the clumps in about the third year, since with age the plant becomes very thick and begins to partially die.
Most often used for borders, groups in the foreground, in mixborders, and on alpine slides.
Eng.: Aster alpinus "Mixture". Bot. syn.: Diplactis alpina (L.)