Luffa acutangula L.
Ridged sponge Gourd (Chinese okra)  - Luffa acutangula.
An amazing plant from the Pumpkin family, combining decorative and useful qualities.
This type of luffa is earlier ripening than the cylindrical one. The vegetation period (until the seeds are fully ripe) is 160-180 days. It forms up to 6-8 juicy fruits containing vitamins and mineral salts. It is used for vertical gardening, for obtaining a "plant sponge" and in cooking.
The stems are climbing, powerful, with intensive growth and large lobed leaves. The flowers are yellow-orange, up to 5 cm in diameter. The fruits are cylindrical, smooth, up to 50 cm or more.
Young 5-10-day-old ovaries are used as a vegetable.
The plant is heat-loving, demanding of soil fertility. It is grown in a greenhouse or under film shelters on supports and trellises.
Sowing of seeds for seedlings is done in March. Before sowing, the seeds are soaked in warm water for 2-3 days, changing the water every day.
Planting in greenhouses - in May-June at 70 cm. The side shoots of the plants are pinched and the growth is limited. During the summer, the plants are fed 3-4 times with a solution of mullein or chicken droppings.
To obtain a sponge, ripe fruits are cut, dried, the rind is separated, the mucus is washed off, the seeds are removed, boiled and dried in the sun on twine.

Experience Useful Aftercare:
Easy Description: From the cucumber and marrow family, the Luffa is a rather curious example which originates from America. After drying, the fibrous internal structure of the Luffa magically transforms itself into a "sponge", 30 cm long. Home-grown sponges, whatever next?! Treated as a half hardy annual in all areas, Luffa can be grown on any ordinary soil in a position of full sun. Climber. Please note that due to the nature of our exotic range of seeds, some varieties are more challenging and may require more care and patience to grow than other less exotic varieties. However we wish you every success and hope you agree that they are definitely worth the effort.
Sowing Instructions: Sow February to May. Soak seed in warm water for 2 hours before sowing. Germinate singly in pots, at +20+30°C on the surface of a good free draining, damp seed compost. Apply a sprinkling of compost or vermiculite, 6 mm thick. Place in a propagator or seal container inside a polythene bag until after germination which usually takes 7-21 days. Do not exclude light at any stage as this is beneficial to germination. 
Growing Instructions:
POTTING ON Plant out after all risk of frost, 30 cm apart in a moist, well drained soil in full sun.
Aftercare Instructions: Provide support to allow plants to trail or climb, and give a humid atmosphere. Pollinate the female flowers (which have a green fruit behind them) by brushing the male flowers (which have no fruit) against them. Treat as a Half Hardy Annual

Käsnkõrvits Luffa aegyptiaca Luffa cylindrica
Eng.: Angled luffa, Chinese okra, Ridged sponge Gourd. Suom.: Intiansienikurkku. Sven.: Kantgurka. Bot. syn.: Cucumis acutangulus L., Cucumis lineatus Bosc.