Cynara cardunculus L.
Cardoon "Bianco Avorio" (Artichoke thistle) - Cynara cardunculus L.
With sharp spines greatly reduced and larger, heavier bearing, consistent quality globe-shaped heads.
Sowing Instructions: Sow outdoors in free draining soil in mid spring when the soil has warmed up.
Sow 2-3 seeds in stations 30 cm apart. Seed sown outdoors usually flowers the year after sowing.
Growing Instructions: thin out so that there is one good plant every 6 cm. The thinnings can be transplanted.
Aftercare Instructions: after harvesting the main head, secondary heads will appear and these too can be used.
In cold areas, cover the plant with a mulch of straw, compost or bracken to protect it through the winter.
Hardiness Rating: 8, 9.
1,0 g = 23-25 seeds.

Eng.: Cardoon Artichoke. Suom.: Kardoni, Isoartisokka, koppiloartisokka, ruotiartisokka, villiartisokka. Sven.: Kardon ärtskocka. Bot. syn.: Carduus cardunculus (L.) Baill., Carduus cynara E.H.L.Krause.