Leontopodium alpinum L.
White Edelweiss - Leontopodium alpinum.
Hardy Perennial.
Flowers: May to June.
Height: 8 inches.
Position: Full Sun.
Ideal for: Rockery, Wild Garden.
Edelweiss is known for growing in romantic and inaccessible crevices up in the Alps, but is also perfectly suitable for your own rockery or border!
The silvery foliage gives rise to unique, 10 cm blooms, like miniature, woolly starfish! Prefers a sharply drained, neutral or alkaline soil in sun.
Sowing Instructions: sow March to May. Place seed on the surface of a good free draining seed compost mixed with some grit. Do not cover the seed.
Seal container inside a polythene bag and place at +15+20°C until after germination, which can take 1 to 2 months. Do not exclude light at any stage, as this helps germination.
Growing Instructions: transplant seedlings when large enough to handle into 7.5 cm pots. Grow on in a cold frame or sheltered corner.
When plants are well grown, plant out 10 cm apart. The plants will be more silvery when grown in lighter, poorer soils.
Aftercare Instructions: avoid exposing the plants to excessive wet winter conditions.

Leontopodium alpinum Edelweis, Alpi jänesekäpp Edelveiss

Leontopodium alpinum weiss, Alpi jänesekäpp
Johan Laurentz Jensen.
