Husk tomato "Zemljanichny"
Husk tomato "Zemljanichny" - Physalis pubescens.
Exquisite fruit for desserts and jams!
Early maturing variety. The plant is medium-sized, up to 70 cm high. The fruits are round, small, weighing 10-15 g, amber in color, pleasantly sweet with a strawberry taste and aroma. They contain a large amount of pectin, vitamin C, sugars, mineral salts and trace elements. Used fresh and dried. Also used for the preparation of desserts, jams, confectionery, canning. It is grown by sowing seeds through seedlings. Seedlings appear after 7 days at a temperature of +20+22°C. Plant out outdoors when danger of frost has passed. The culture is thermophilic, unpretentious to soils, moisture-loving. Harvest fruits as they ripen, preventing them from shedding.
Exquisite fruit for desserts and jams!
Early maturing variety. The plant is medium-sized, up to 70 cm high. The fruits are round, small, weighing 10-15 g, amber in color, pleasantly sweet with a strawberry taste and aroma. They contain a large amount of pectin, vitamin C, sugars, mineral salts and trace elements. Used fresh and dried. Also used for the preparation of desserts, jams, confectionery, canning. It is grown by sowing seeds through seedlings. Seedlings appear after 7 days at a temperature of +20+22°C. Plant out outdoors when danger of frost has passed. The culture is thermophilic, unpretentious to soils, moisture-loving. Harvest fruits as they ripen, preventing them from shedding.
Husk Tomato.