Galega officinalis
Italian fitch "Sijanie" - Galega officinalis.
Perennial herbaceous plant 40-150 cm tall with a branched bare stem.
Agrotechnics: prefers shaded moist places with fertile soils. It grows in shady deciduous forests, damp meadows, banks of rivers and streams, along forest roads. In culture does not require care, propagated by seeds.
Use: in the garden can be cultivated as an ornamental plant. The aerial part (grass) of goat's rue was used in folk medicine as a diuretic, diaphoretic, antihelminthic. Goat's rue tea is used in the treatment of diabetes. Goat's rue ointment is used for skin diseases. The plant contains alkaloids galegin and saponin, oils, tannins. For treatment, goat's rue should be used with great care and only on the recommendation of a doctor.


Eng.: Goat's rue, French lilac, Italian fitch, Professor-weed. Suom.: Rohtovuohenherne. Sven.: Getruta.