Brassica napus
Leaf salad turnip "Colza".
Early salad greens.
Mid-early variety: already in 27-32 days after sowing, you can start cutting delicate vitamin greens. Forms a rosette with whole-edged rounded-oval leaves.
Plant height is about 35 cm. The leaves are large, dark green, slightly wrinkled, without pubescence, juicy, tender, with good taste and with a high content of ascorbic acid (from 61.5 to 95.0 mg /%), carotene (11-16 mg /%) ...
Cold-resistant and moisture-loving plant. Obtaining a high-quality harvest requires constant watering. To protect against cruciferous flea beetles, do not forget to carry out agronomic measures.
1.0 g = 250 seeds.

Eng.: Leaf Turnip. Suom.: Naurislehti. Sven.: Leaf majrova.