Spinacia oleracea L.
Spinach "Matador".
Mid-early variety: the period from germination to technical ripeness is 35-45 days.
The rosette is compact, the leaves are oval, grey-green and smooth. Demanding on moisture.
Resistant to flowering. Productivity 2.5-2.8 kg / m2. Spinach is an annual crop.
Rosette leaves are used for cooking salads, cabbage soup, soups, sauces, etc.
A very early ripening and cold-resistant plant.

A storehouse of vitamins.
A very valuable vegetable annual plant, which is characterized by a high content of minerals, protein, and vitamins.
Spinach contains a large number of valuable nutrients for the human body. Its leaves contain vitamins C, A, B1, B2, B6, E, D2, PP and P, as well as proteins, phosphorus, calcium and iron salts. In terms of the amount and content of vitamins, spinach is significantly superior to other green and spice-flavoured crops. Spinach greens have a high dietary value. Its introduction into the diet prevents and cures many diseases of the stomach. Due to the high content of iron, spinach is used in the treatment of certain blood diseases.
Spinach is a cold-resistant crop, sowing in open ground as early as possible, in late April - early May, to a depth of 1.5-2 cm. The culture is demanding soil fertility and moisture.
High temperatures cause bolting, and a short day delays leaf development. Therefore, the most optimal is sowing in May - early June.
Seeding rate 3-4 g/m2, planting depth 2-3 cm. Row spacing 25-30 cm. Distance between plants after thinning (in the phase of two true leaves) - 10 cm.
Harvesting is carried out selectively, repeatedly, before flowering. High summer temperatures cause the plant to go into the arrow, so re-sowing is recommended only in early August. Demanding moisture and soil fertility.

Spinacia oleracea L.