Raphanus sativus L. subsp. acanthiformis
Brand: Franchi
Packaged:12,0 g
Availability:In Stock
Discount vegetable seeds (shelf life 12.2025)
1.57€ 2.62€
Ex Tax: 1.29€
Oriental radish "Mino Early" (daikon) - Raphanus sativus L. subsp. acanthiformis.
Suitable for long-term storage.
An early ripening variety (from full sprouting to the beginning of technical ripeness 55-60 days).
The root crop is elongated-cylindrical, with a smooth surface, white, 40-50 cm long. It is immersed in the soil for 2/3 of the root crop length, easily pulled out during harvesting.
The pulp of the root vegetable is juicy, tender, snow-white, of excellent taste.
Recommended for fresh use and long-term storage.
Oriental radish is a valuable low-calorie dietary vegetable. It is useful for overweight, for the prevention of cardiovascular, colds, promotes the proper functioning of the intestines.
Sowing in open ground in the second half of July in holes of 2-4 pieces to a depth of 2-3 cm. 1,0 g = 60-100 seeds. Sowing pattern 60x30 cm.
In the phase of 2-3 true leaves, the plants are thinned out. Harvesting begins before the onset of frost. Root crops are stored in the sand.

Японская редька, Дайкон, Oriental radish, Daikonrättika, Japaninretikka, Jaapani rõigas, Daikon
Oriental Radish, daikon.

* It should be noted that the daikon does not accumulate heavy metal salts, nitrates and toxic compounds in its plant parts,
therefore, mineral fertilizing is only beneficial for the culture, being well split by biological cells and nourishing the root crop.

When should I sow daikon?
Daikon has a fairly long growing season, so in Estonia and more northern regions, no matter when sowing in spring, the plant will fall during a period of hot weather.
In this case, the growth of the root crop slows down significantly, while the growth of the above-ground part, on the contrary, increases. Therefore, daikon should be sown in the second half of summer, namely in mid-July. With shorter daylight hours and lower air temperatures, the root crops develop quickly, and in the fall you can get a good harvest.
The taste of daikon is more delicate than that of black radish or radish. Care is the same as for black radish.
Sow not very large-fruited varieties according to the 25 x 25 cm pattern, and 45 x 45 cm for large-fruited varieties. The seeds are deepened into the soil by 3-4 cm. It is recommended to sow 2 seeds in each nest. When two true leaves form, one plant is removed (cut off). The root crops are stored for about two months in open plastic bags in the refrigerator.

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