Tomato "Zloty Ozarowski"
Lycopersicon lycopersicum
Discount vegetable seeds (shelf life 12.2025)
1.35€ 2.25€
Ex Tax: 1.11€
Ex Tax: 1.11€
Tomato "Zloty Ozarowski".
Mid-early variety for open ground and film greenhouses: the period from germination to the beginning of fruiting is 104-120 days. The plant is tall, the stem is flexible, requiring support. Fruits are round, dark yellow, fleshy. Fruit weight 100-120 g. The pulp is fleshy, tasty, yellow, low-seeded. Perfect for processing and fresh consumption.
Variety value: stable yield, high taste of fruits, suitability for salting.
Agricultural technology.
Seeds are sown in cassettes or seedling boxes. At a temperature of + 20 + 22 ° C, shoots appear on the 5-7th day. When the 2nd pair of true leaves appears, the seedlings dive, transplanting the plants into separate pots. It is possible to plant seedlings in open ground, but at the same time it is necessary to cover them with plastic wrap and spunbond at the same time.
During the growth period, seedlings must be regularly fed with mineral and organic fertilizers. When planting finished seedlings in the field, complex fertilizers and rotted manure are added to the hole.
In mid-August, it is necessary to decapitate (pinch off the top of the plant), which limits the growth of the plant and contributes to the ripening of already formed fruits.
Mid-early variety for open ground and film greenhouses: the period from germination to the beginning of fruiting is 104-120 days. The plant is tall, the stem is flexible, requiring support. Fruits are round, dark yellow, fleshy. Fruit weight 100-120 g. The pulp is fleshy, tasty, yellow, low-seeded. Perfect for processing and fresh consumption.
Variety value: stable yield, high taste of fruits, suitability for salting.
Agricultural technology.
Seeds are sown in cassettes or seedling boxes. At a temperature of + 20 + 22 ° C, shoots appear on the 5-7th day. When the 2nd pair of true leaves appears, the seedlings dive, transplanting the plants into separate pots. It is possible to plant seedlings in open ground, but at the same time it is necessary to cover them with plastic wrap and spunbond at the same time.
During the growth period, seedlings must be regularly fed with mineral and organic fertilizers. When planting finished seedlings in the field, complex fertilizers and rotted manure are added to the hole.
In mid-August, it is necessary to decapitate (pinch off the top of the plant), which limits the growth of the plant and contributes to the ripening of already formed fruits.