Fiveleaved Ivy "Don Juan" (Virginia Creeper, Woodbine)
Virginia Creeper "Don Juan" - Parthenocissus quinquefolia. Elegant and voluminous screens! Ornamental leaves. A valuable and most popular large climbing liana for vertical gardening, growing up to 15-20 m in height. Young shoots are..
 Gloxinia "Avanti Wine-Red" F1
 Gloxinia "Avanti Wine-Red" F1 - Sinningia speciosa. A luxurious and very fashionable among flower growers indoor plant from the Gesneriaceae family. The earliest blooming series among non-double gloxinias. Bell-shaped flowers, ..
Abyssinian Banana
Abyssinian Banana - Musa ensete. Banana is a tropical herbaceous plant from the Banana family. It has a powerful rhizome, growing up to 2 m tall. The leaves are beautiful, large, with a delicate texture, reddish below, form a "false" stem...
Alpine strawberry "Regina"
Alpine strawberry "Regina". Repairable and beardless! Ripens 2 weeks earlier than other varieties! It is characterized by high productivity and continuous fruiting throughout the season. The plants have a compact bush (up to 20 cm in heig..
Angled luffa (Ridged sponge Gourd)
Ridged sponge Gourd (Chinese okra)  - Luffa acutangula. An amazing plant from the Pumpkin family, combining decorative and useful qualities. This type of luffa is earlier ripening than the cylindrical one. The vegetation period (until the..
Arbuus "Astrahansky"
Watermelon "Astrakhansky". Time-tested! Mid-season (the period from mass germination to the first harvest is 70-81 days). The plant is medium-climbing. The leaf blade is medium, bluish-green, the dissection of the leaf blade is average. ..
Arbuus "Zemlyanin"
Watermelon "Earthling" - Citrullus lanatus. Grainy and sweet! Early ripening variety: 75-85 days. The plant is powerful, the main vine is long. The berry is elongated-spherical, weighing 4.6-6.1 kg. The surface is weakly segmented, ..
Aster "Yabluneva"
China aster "Yabluneva" - Callistephus chinensis. The plant is columnar, compact with 10-12 peduncles, 55-65 cm high. The inflorescences are peony-shaped, round, of an original color: the flowers in the center are white, the marg..
Aster Chrysantella "White Delight"
Aster chrysanthemum "White Delight". Chrysantella harmoniously combined the vitality and beauty of asters and chrysanthemums. The plant is an annual plant, 60-80 cm high with a powerful thick stem, forms 10-15 second-order pedun..
Bigleaf lupine "Yellow Flame"
Bigleaf lupine "Yellow Flame" - Lupinus polyphyllus. Fantastically gigantic inflorescences! A perennial flowering plant of the legume family. Its tall, strictly vertical peduncles up to 100 cm high are decorated with spectacular palmate l..
Black peppermint "Kubanskaja-6"
Black peppermint ''Kubanskaja-6'' - Mentha piperita. Familiar taste and healing properties. Perennial herbaceous plant of the Lamiaceae family up to 0,45 m high. Essential oil and spice plant. One of the most aromatic var..
Blackberry "Charodeika"
Blackberry "Charodeika" - Rubus fruticosus. A shrub with a perennial root system and an above-ground part with a two-year development cycle from the Rosaceae family. In the first year, the shoots grow up to 1.5-3.5 m in length. Axillary b..
Bladder hibiscus "China Doctor" (Bladder ketmia, Bladder weed, Modesty, Puarangi, Shoofly)
Bladder hibiscus "China Doctor" - Hibiscus trionum. An annual herbaceous plant with a strong branched stem (up to 70 cm) and original trifoliate leaves from the Malvaceae family. In the northern regions, it is grown through seedlings (sow..
Bonfire dwarf sage "Sirius"
Bonfire dwarf sage "Sirius". A luxurious plant from the Labiatae family, forms a densely foliated, compact bush 20-25 cm high, with strong, dark green shoots. Flowers of a deep purple-violet hue, collected in a lush racemose inflorescence...
Broad bean "Tsarsky urozhai"
Broad bean "Royal harvest". Mid-early (from germination to ripening 72-90 days), highly productive variety. The plant is upright, 90 cm high. The beans are fleshy, very long (35 cm), wide, with a record number of large seeds - 8 pcs! It ..
Broad beans "Belorusskie"
Broad bean ''Belorussian''. Mid-season (90-110 days from germination to seed ripening) variety. From germination to milk ripeness 40-50 days. The plant is 80-100 cm high, branches weakly. Beans are straight, smooth, dark green, 3-5-..
Burdock "Samurai"
Vegetable burdock "Samurai" - Arctium lappa. For the treatment of kidney diseases, gall bladder and joint diseases. Very useful for diabetics. Asteraceae family. Biennial herbaceous plant with a branched tap root. In the first year o..
Buttercup "Blooming Valley Red" F1 (crowfoot)
Persian Buttercup "Blooming Valley Red" F1 (from the Japanese company "Sakata") - Ranunculus asiatica. This miracle flower with amazing densely double inflorescences - "roses" is back on sale and it is difficu..
Carrot "Karamel saharnaya"
White carrot "Sugar caramel". Mid-season variety: 100-115 days from full germination to technical maturity. The root crop is elongated-conical, 18-22 cm long, weighing 100-150 g, with white skin and pulp, sweet. Excellent taste. Agrotec..
Carrot "Russian Giant"
Carrot "Russian Giant". Late-ripening (130-135 days from germination to harvest) variety. The rosette of leaves is semi-erect. The root crop is conical, blunt-ended, bright orange, with a small core, very large, powerful and incredibly lo..
Carrot "Violet Caramel" F1
Carrot "Violet Caramel" F1. The exotic color of the root crops of the hybrid is not only an interesting find for the gardener, but also an increased content of useful substances - anthocyanins, which have powerful antioxidant properti..
Chinese Magnolia Vine "Volgar"
Chinese Magnolia Vine "Volgar" - Schizandra chinensis. Schizandra chinensis is considered a valuable medicinal plant and is second only to ginseng in importance. In China, it is known as an elixir of vitality, giving vigor and youth. Tran..
Chinese peony "Ocharovanie" (mix)
Chinese peony "Charm" (mixture of colours) - Paeonia lactiflora. Large-flowered and winter-hardy perennial 60-100 cm high with twice-trifoliate dark green leaves. Large flowers 8-15 cm in diameter. Agrotechnics: choose a site without..
Clematis brevicaudata
It grows naturally in the south of the Far East and in Northern China along river and stream valleys, in bird cherry and willow thickets, and among bushes. Its woody liana climbs trees to a height of 5-7 m with a whip thickness of up to 1.5 cm, and h..
Columbine "Yellow Crystal"
Columbine "Yellow Crystal" -  Aquilegia hybrida. An unpretentious herbaceous plant 80 cm high. Flowers are single, with an elongated straight spur, up to 10 cm in diameter, yellow in color. Plants are frost-resistant, tolerate p..
Showing 1 to 25 of 311 (13 Pages)