Mix of Junipers.
Location: should be planted in sunny places. In the shade, plants grow loose and lose their charm (decorative virtues) of form. Common juniper tolerates some shading.
Landing: the distance between plants is from 0.5 to 1.5-2 m in tall forms of virgin juniper and Chinese juniper with a spreading crown. One bush of Cossack juniper in 10 years occupies an area of ​​20 m2. The depth of planting depends on the coma of the earth and the root system, usually 70 cm - with adding earth to the pit.
Drainage: broken brick and sand, 15-20 cm layer. Soil mixture: peat, sod land, sand (2: 1: 1), ratios may vary, for example, Siberian juniper prefers sandy soils, Central Asian species and Cossack juniper respond positively to liming soil, virginian juniper grows better on clay soils. All junipers are undemanding to soil fertility.
Leaving: in the spring in April - May bring nitroammophoska, 30-40 g/sq.m. The common juniper and Chinese juniper do not tolerate dry air; juniper virginsky and others are drought-resistant, but grow better on soils of medium moisture. In dry summers, it is recommended to water 2-3 times per season and spray once a week in the evening. Loosening, mulching is carried out shallow after watering and weeding in young plantings. Mulching with peat, wood chips or sawdust with a layer of 5-8 cm immediately after planting, and for heat-loving cultivars - in the winter. Haircut, pruning is weak, as junipers grow slowly. Mostly dry branches are removed.
Junipers with a columnar crown shape are tied for the winter, as the branches often break off under the weight of the snow cover. Most of the recommended species and forms do not cover, except for the first winter after planting young plants.
Reproduction: seeds, which in some species ripen in the year of flowering, in others - only in the second year. Shoots after sowing appear in 1-3 years. When spring sowing, a monthly stratification is required at a temperature of +20+30°C, then 4 months at +14+15°C. For more friendly germination, the seeds are cleaned before sowing from the pericarp and scarified (partially break the hard covers). It is recommended to add a little soil from under juniper plantations to the sowing furrows in order to introduce mycorrhiza. Cultivars can be propagated by green cuttings taken "with a heel" from young plants. Creeping forms of junipers are propagated by layering.
Use: very decorative in the form of single landings and small groups in the park landscape and among the stones. They look especially elegant against the background of shallow snow.
Partners: Pairs well with heathers and erica, pine groundcovers, roses, ornamental grasses and wild perennials.