A magnificent annual plant up to 50 cm high with very large double tube-shaped flowers.
Datura is perfect for decorating balconies and loggias, container culture, as well as for single and group plantings on lawns and flower beds.
Seeds are sown in March-April for seedlings or in mid-late May in open ground. Shoots appear in 14-20 days at a temperature of +30 °C.
Picking is done in pots or boxes. In summer, plants are placed outside or transplanted into open ground with a large lump of earth when the threat of morning frosts has passed.
Plant care consists of abundant watering of plants, spraying of plant leaves, and fertilizing with complex fertilizers.
Sowing: March-May.
Planting: first half of June.
Flowering: June-September.
Caution! The plant is classified as poisonous.
The name of the plant is fair. It is based on the fact that all parts of the datura are poisonous. However, the sweet aroma of the flowers does not pose any danger - smell it to your health. It is enough just not to use this plant as food and work with it in gloves. Of course, if there are no very small children in the garden.
Datura is a real glutton. Planting it in good soil is not enough for it. It is simply impossible to overfeed this plant. From May to August, datura can be fed approximately once a week with complete mineral fertilizer at the rate of 20 g per 10 liters of water.
It is curious that datura likes hard water (and not soft rainwater). Once per season, it is recommended to water the datura with lime milk (1 g per 1 liter of water).
By the way ... if you can't sleep on a summer night, then go out into the garden and approach the datura. You will see a smart flock of various moths over large fragrant flowers ...
Eng.: Black datura, angel's trumpet, devil's trumpet, downy thorn apple, Hindu datura, hoary thorn-apple, horn of plenty.Bot. syn.: Datura alba Nees., Datura chlorantha Hook., Datura fastuosa L.