Chamaecyparis lawsoniana
Lawson´s cypress "Graf".
A tree with a narrow cone-shaped, downward expanding crown, with a narrow top, usually inclined to one side. With free standing, the branches can fall to the ground (with poor care, improper or too tight fit, inconsistency of environmental conditions, the crown dries and becomes bare from below).
The bark is thick, reddish-brown, cracking into rounded plates. The needles are shiny green above, below with indistinct white stomatal stripes at the base of the leaves. Flat leaves 1.8-2 mm long, 1-1.5 mm wide, obtuse, without a keel on the back, usually with a gland. The lateral leaves are strongly compressed and almost twice as long.
Shade-tolerant, wind-resistant, moisture-loving, unpretentious to the soil, satisfactorily tolerates the conditions of the city. Little damaged by pests and diseases. Prefers evenly moist soil, does not like overdrying. The root system is shallow (in the upper soil horizon).
Plant in spring in a sunny place or in partial shade (do not bury the root collar).
Propagated by seeds and cuttings.
One of the most beautiful representatives of conifers.

Eng.: Lawson s Cypress. Suom.: Lawsoninsypressi. Sven.: Ädelcypress.