Medium early variety of spicy chilli. Fruits can grow to 8 inches long, with 3 mm thick skin, orange when ripe.
Optimal temperatures for seed germination +22+25˚C. Seeds germinate within 14-22 days.
Grown in greenhou..
Hot pepper "Kristian".
Maturity: mid early.
Unripe colour: green.
Ripe colour: yellow.
Number of lobes: 2-3.
Flesh thickness: 2 mm.
Average size: 8x1 cm.
Weight: 10-12 g.
Scoville heat units (SHU): 30000-55000.
Chili mix: 50 000 SHU.
Hot mix: Damian (14%), Kilian (43%), Kristian (43%).
Hot pepper.
Peruvian hot pepper "Habanero Red" - extremely hot!
SHU 300 000.
Ornamental, very hot, for forcing and field production.
Very hot, 4-8 cm long decorative bell shaped fruit. Ripens green to red.
Peruvian hot pepper "Habanero White".
Spicy seasoning all year round!
A super-hot Peruvian pepper. Plant up to 60 cm high with active lateral branching.
Pods at technical maturity are light green, and at the biological stage of maturatio..
Peruvian hot pepper "Habanero Chocolate" - extremely hot!
SHU 450 000.
Very hot,4-8 cm long decorative bell shaped fruit. Ripens from green to brown.
Peruvian Habanero Orange - extremely hot!
Extra hot "Orange Habanero" pepper (600,000 Scoville units - SHU).
Very hot decorative fruits 4-8 cm in size, lantern-shaped.
In technical ripeness they are green, in botanical ripeness..
Hot pepper "Naga Morich" - extremely hot!
One of the hottest peppers in the world.
In addition to its fiery heat, Naga Morich boasts a pleasant fruity aroma, which captures the "notes" of orange and pineapple.
You can..
Hot pepper "Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Red" - extremely hot!
SHU 1 200 000 - 1 460 000.
One of the hottest peppers in the world!
On July 4, 2011, the world's hottest pepper - "Trinidad Scorpion Butch T" - 1.46 million Scovill..
Hot pepper "Trinidad Moruga Scorpion Yellow" - extremely hot!
One of the hottest peppers in the world! Very fragrant. The vegetation period is more than 200 days. The plant is tall: up to 170 cm.
In our cool climate, it is grown..