Sweet pepper "Cherny Kon"
Sweet pepper ''Black Horse''. Early ripe variety. Plants with beautiful large fruits.The fruit is dark purple, cuboid-shaped, weighing 150-250 g. ..
Sweet pepper "Chornaya lakomka"
Sweet pepper "Black Gourmand". A salad variety with beautiful purple-black and juicy fruits with a cute “nose”. It bears fruit well in open ground, and in a greenhouse it allows you to get up to 7-7.5 kg/m2 of early harvest. ..
Sweet pepper "Ded Moroz"
Sweet pepper ''Ded Moroz''. An early, high-yielding variety (the period from mass germination to fruiting is 95-110 days), intended for cultivation in open and protected soil. The fruits are very large, weighing up to 200 g, trapezo..
Sweet pepper "Sibirsky karlik"
Sweet pepper "Siberian dwarf". A miracle on the windowsill and in the garden. The variety is early ripening: from germination to consumer ripeness 95-115 days. This beautiful standard bush is literally strewn with fruits and does not requ..
Tomat "Chelnok" Lycopersicon esculentum
Tomato "Shuttle" (Chelnok). High-yielding variety for open ground. Cold-resistant, early-ripening variety (the period from germination to fruit ripening is 105-110 days). The bush is standard, compact, and does not require pinching or sta..
Tomat "Matrosik"
Tomato "Sailor". Sweet and fruitful, original color and rich taste. Add sophistication to any salad or sandwich. A unique variety with pepper-shaped, striped fruits. Mid-season: from germination to first harvest 110-115 days. The plants ..
Tomato "Abrikosovy"
Tomato "Apricot". An early-ripening, indeterminate variety for open ground and film shelters. 100 days after emergence, it forms unusual, pubescent fruits weighing 105-115 g. They are multi-chambered, dense and intended for salads and cann..
Tomato "Agata"
Tomato "Agata". Early maturing (98-113 days) high-yielding variety for open ground. Determinate bush, 35-50 cm high, does not require garter and pinching. Fruits are flat-round, smooth, weighing 77-99 g, red. Possesses high germination cap..
Tomato "Albina"
Tomato "Albina". A large-fruited salad variety with a unique colour and incomparable taste. In the northern regions, it is recommended for protected ground, and in the southern regions - for open ground. The first tomatoes begin to be ha..
Tomato "Amurskie volny"
Tomato "Amur Waves". An early ripening variety with original and tasty tomatoes. The first fruits can be harvested after 105-110 days. For cultivation in open and protected ground. The plants are determinate, 120-140 cm high in a greenhous..
Tomato "Anna German"
Tomato "Anna German". Looks like a lemon, but tastes like a tomato! A stunning early-ripening variety of Russian selection will delight you with delicious lemon fruits weighing 60-65 g and excellent yield potential. Plants are indetermin..
Tomato "Auria yellow"
Tomato "Auria yellow". An interesting variety with cylindrical, large fruits for obtaining a stable harvest in protected soil. It begins bearing fruit 115-118 days after emergence. Indeterminate plants form the first inflorescence above 6..
Tomato "Baltic Coast"
Tomato "Baltic Coast". Unpretentious, does not require stepsoning. Productive, reliable variety for open ground. It is resistant to a range of crop diseases and temperature changes. The plants are determinant; they produce their first ha..
Tomato "Banan Oranzhevy"
Tomato "Orange Banana". Mid-season, high-yielding variety for film greenhouses. It begins to bear fruit on the 110th day from full germination. The plant is indeterminate, about 1.5 m high. It is formed into one stem with the removal of a..
Tomato "Bella Rosa"
Tomato "Bella Rose". Salad tomato, similar to creamy ice cream, beautiful and delicious, like a dessert! The variety is early ripening, the first fruits weighing 180-250 g ripen 110-115 days after germination. The plants are indeterminat..
Tomato "Black Panther" F1
Tomato "Black Panther" F1. A new hybrid from the group of black-fruited tomatoes. One of the most delicious tomatoes with fleshy chocolate-red fruits. Mid-season, begins to bear fruit on the 110-115th day from germination. The plants are..
Tomato "Budjonovka"
Tomato "Budjonovka". Mid-season variety for growing in open ground (with mandatory garter) and under film shelters, which will undoubtedly please with a magnificent harvest! Ripening of fruits occurs on the 98-100th day after full shoots...
Tomato "Buratino orange"
Tomato "Buratino orange". An early ripening variety for film shelters and open ground. Forms a harvest after 105-110 days from germination. Indeterminate, height in the greenhouse up to 2-2.2 m. At the seedling stage, the tomato leaves cu..
Tomato "Bury medved"
Tomato "Brown Bear". An impressive exotic tomato variety. The fruits are fleshy with amazing taste and aroma! Mid-season, from full germination to the beginning of ripening - 105-110 days. The plant is indeterminate, suitable for growing ..
Tomato "Chempion Vesa"
Tomato "Weight Champion". The fruits are very large, have excellent taste, and are ideal for fresh consumption and processing. Mid-early variety for open ground and film shelters. The period from germination to harvest is 111-115 days. Th..
Tomato "Cherokee Green"
Tomato "Cherokee Green". Extraordinarily delicious! Medium late variety. The plant is indeterminate. The fruits are multi-chamber, flat-round, red-brown in color, with tender pulp, weighing about 300 g, very tasty, sweet and fleshy. The y..
Tomato "Cherry heart-shaped"
Tomato "Cherry heart-shaped". Large cherry tomatoes! One of the best varieties for drying! Plants are indeterminate, 1.8 m or more in height. The fruits ripen early: already 105-110 days after emergence, you can pamper your loved ones wit..
Tomato "Chornaya slivka"
Tomato "Black plum". A fantastically productive variety with beautiful plum-shaped chocolate-coloured fruits. Late blight-resistant variety. Tolerant of autumn colds and bears fruit even in October. From germination to the beginning of fr..
Tomato "Chorny Aisberg"
Tomato "Black Iceberg". Large, tasty and aromatic. Fruits until autumn. An early-ripening salad variety with large and beautiful tomatoes of unusual colour. The first harvest is carried out 95-110 days after germination. It bears fruit fo..
Tomato "Chorny mavr"
Tomato "Black Moor". Sets fruit well even in cool weather. The fruits are plum-shaped, thick-walled, with delicate pulp, very sweet. Mid-season (115-120 days from germination), high-yielding, indeterminate variety. Plant height 160-180 c..
Showing 76 to 100 of 210 (9 Pages)