Rheum rhabarbarum L.
Brand: Legutko
Packaged:1,0 g
Discount vegetable seeds (shelf life 12.2025)
1.20€ 2.01€
Ex Tax: 0.99€
Rhubarb "Lider" - Rheum rhabarbarum.
A perennial vegetable crop is an unpretentious old-timer of the northern garden.
Frost tolerant plant requiring deep soil with sufficient moisture. Leaves up to 50 cm long are used to prepare compotes and baking fillings.
Growing conditions: sowing before winter in a nursery or in a permanent place in early spring. The seeds are soaked in warm water. Sow to a depth of 2-2.5 cm hatched.
Planting pattern 70x70 cm.
The culture is moisture-loving, cold-resistant and shade-tolerant. Care consists in removing flower stems, loosening, watering, feeding.
It grows in one place for 10-15 years.
1 gram = 70-80 seeds.

Rhubarb. Bot. syn.: Rheum undulatum L., incl. Rheum franzenbachii Münter.

Early rhubarb, Kevadine rabarber, Ревень весенний, Varhainen raparperi

* Rhubarb jam.
Rinse the petioles thoroughly, remove their dense fibrous skin and cut them into pieces 1.5-2 cm long, then put them in an enamel pan. Take granulated sugar at the rate of 1 kg per 1 kg of rhubarb stalks. Pour half the sugar into a saucepan with rhubarb and let it brew for 12 hours. Then drain the juice, dissolve the remaining sugar in it and bring to a boil. Put pieces of petioles into boiling syrup and cook until tender over low heat. When the syrup becomes transparent, remove it from heat, cool it and pour it into jars. Store in a dark cool place.
* Candied rhubarb.
Dissolve sugar in 0.5 litres of water. When the syrup boils, add the chopped rhubarb petioles. Boil. Remove from heat and leave overnight. Then drain the syrup and use it for making drinks, and dry the pieces of rhubarb in the oven at a temperature of +40 + 50 ° C until dried, pour into paper bags.
For 1 kg of rhubarb 1 kg of sugar.
* Drink "Podmoskovny".
Cut the rhubarb stalks into 2-3 cm pieces, put in boiling water for 5-7 minutes, then cool to room temperature and strain through cheesecloth. Add sugar and yeast to the broth. Leave warm for 8-10 hours. Pour the finished drink into glassware and store it in a cold place.
To prepare 5 litres of drink: 800 g of rhubarb, 0.5 kg of sugar and 24 g of yeast.
* Salad with rhubarb, radish and onion.
Cut the radish into slices and mix with finely chopped rhubarb. Before serving, add salt and sugar and pour over sour cream. Put a slide in a salad bowl, sprinkle with green onions on top, and put quarters of hard-boiled eggs on the onions. Salt the eggs and sprinkle with ground black pepper.
100 g of rhubarb, a bunch of radishes, 3 eggs, 100 g of sour cream, 150 g of green onions, salt and sugar - to taste.
* Rhubarb and fruit soup.
Rhubarb and wheat bread crumbs are cut into cubes, put in boiling water, add cloves and cinnamon, and cook until tender. Add granulated sugar and let it boil again, then remove from heat. Beat the yolks with curdled milk or sour cream, and, stirring constantly, pour into the soup. Then beat the whites with vanilla sugar and in small portions, in the form of dumplings, add to the hot soup (it is convenient to form dumplings with two teaspoons).
When serving, put strawberries, cherries and other fruits in bowls with soup.
200 g of crackers, 7 glasses of water, 500 g of rhubarb, a quarter teaspoon of ground cloves and cinnamon, half a glass of granulated sugar, 2 eggs, 1 glass of curdled milk or sour cream, half a teaspoon of vanilla sugar.
* Rhubarb casserole.
Wash rhubarb. Peel off the skin, cut it into pieces and boil in sweet water until half cooked. Grind cottage cheese with sugar, and add raisins, crushed nuts and an egg. Cut stale white bread into slices, moisten in milk and put them on the bottom of the pan, previously greased with butter. Put pieces of rhubarb on top of the bread, then cottage cheese and bake in the oven.
500 g rhubarb, 500 g cottage cheese, 200 g sugar, 50 g raisins, 2-3 nuts, 2 eggs, 1/4 loaf, 1 glass of milk.
* Rhubarb pie.
Wash rhubarb stalks, peel, and cut into slices 0.8-1 cm thick. Prepare yeast dough, divide it into 2 equal parts and roll it out with a layer of about 3/4 cm.
Put one layer on a baking sheet, greased with oil, evenly spread pieces of rhubarb on it, sprinkle with sugar, cover with another layer of dough and “pinch” the edges. Let the pie rise in a warm place, brush with beaten egg and bake in a hot oven for 25-30 minutes.
After baking, transfer the cake to clean paper and cover it with a towel so that it gradually cools down and retains its soft and tender crust ...
* Rhubarb fried.
When the head of peduncles appears (they are quite large), cut them off with a knife or break them out with your hands. Rinse thoroughly under running water. Cook in boiling salted water for about 4-5 minutes. Then roll in crushed breadcrumbs or flour and fry in melted butter. The taste of the dish resembles cauliflower, only a little spicier.

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