Keräsalaatti "May King"
Lactuca sativa L.
Alennushedelmien siemenet (säilyvyysaika 12.2025)
0.69€ 1.15€
Veroton: 0.56€
Veroton: 0.56€
Keräsalaatti "May King".
Early loaf lettuce variety (55-60 days). Otherwise known as the butterhead type. Grown in plastic greenhouses and outdoors. For high quality harvest, it is recommended to plant seedlings. Grows best in loose, fertile soil.
Early loaf lettuce variety (55-60 days). Otherwise known as the butterhead type. Grown in plastic greenhouses and outdoors. For high quality harvest, it is recommended to plant seedlings. Grows best in loose, fertile soil.
Lettuce "May King"
Eng.: Butterhead lettuce. Suom.: Keräsalaatti. Sven.: Drivsallat. Bot.: Lactuca sativa L. var. capitata