Schizachyrium scoparium L.
Brand: Jelitto
Packaged:0,1 g
Availability:In Stock
Ex Tax: 1.50€
Little bluestem "Aldous" - Andropogon scoparius.
An unpretentious ornamental foliage plant with silvery stems.
Height: 120 cm.
Natural flowering period: July-October.
Winter hardiness zones: Z3-Z9.
1.0 g = 750 seeds.

Location: grows poorly in the shade and falls apart, so it is better to plant in the sun.
It is not demanding to soil fertility. But, to get an ornamental bush faster, it is better to plant in fertile soil. Very winter-hardy.
Reproduction: easily propagated by seeds or by dividing the hummock in spring or early summer. Crops are kept at +20 °C (slow germination).
When propagated by seeds, you will have to wait 2-3 years until the plant reaches its full decorative effect.
Use: this vigorous long-leaved cereal is very effective in the garden, due to its large size and upright shape. Ideal for garden design in both natural and landscape styles. The autumn color of the leaves is also spectacular. Good for cutting.

Eng.: Blue-Stem Grass. Bot. syn.: Schizachyrium scoparium.

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