Swamp milkweed "Carmin-Rose" (Swamp Silkweed, White Indian Hemp)
Swamp Silkweed "Cinderella" - Asclepias incarnata L. = Asclepias tuberosa.
A wonderful plant for lovers of rare species!
A tall perennial plant from the Asclepiadaceae family.
The flowers are red or pink-purple with a pleasant aroma, collected in an umbrella-shaped inflorescence up to 6 cm in diameter.
The leaves are large, oblong, located oppositely. Pink-purple flowers are collected in a multi-flowered umbrella.
Blooms in July-August for 30-35 days.
Origin: Southern and Eastern United States (wet meadows, river banks, swamps).
Special characteristics: has a delicate vanilla aroma. It is found in its natural habitat on banks and swamps but also tolerates less humid places.
Caution: Asclepias incarnata forms a taproot and should not be replanted.
Natural flowering period: July - August.
Winter hardiness zones: Z3 – Z9.
Foliage: lanceolate, shiny, green.
Flowering plant height: 100-120 cm.
Distance between plants: 40 cm.
Soil requirements: moist, loamy.
Features: decorative fruits.
Use: for planting in groups, in high mixborders, in addition: it is a good honey plant, cut flower and aquatic plant.
1,0 g = 180 seeds.
Agricultural technology.
It is easily propagated by seeds: there are no difficulties with germination and growing seedlings.
The plant prefers a sunny place, is not demanding of soil, and is responsive to mineral fertilizers. Seeds are sown in February-March in boxes. The seeding depth is 0.5-1 cm. At a temperature of +18°C, seedlings appear on days 10-14. Seedlings dive 2-3 weeks after germination. Planted in open ground in May. Planting distance 25-50 cm.
Young plants bloom in the 2nd year. The plant is quite winter-hardy, but in the first years, it is advisable to provide preventive shelter for the winter.

Swamp Milkweed, Rose Milkweed, Swamp Silkweed, White Indian Hemp.
A wonderful plant for lovers of rare species!
A tall perennial plant from the Asclepiadaceae family.
The flowers are red or pink-purple with a pleasant aroma, collected in an umbrella-shaped inflorescence up to 6 cm in diameter.
The leaves are large, oblong, located oppositely. Pink-purple flowers are collected in a multi-flowered umbrella.
Blooms in July-August for 30-35 days.
Origin: Southern and Eastern United States (wet meadows, river banks, swamps).
Special characteristics: has a delicate vanilla aroma. It is found in its natural habitat on banks and swamps but also tolerates less humid places.
Caution: Asclepias incarnata forms a taproot and should not be replanted.
Natural flowering period: July - August.
Winter hardiness zones: Z3 – Z9.
Foliage: lanceolate, shiny, green.
Flowering plant height: 100-120 cm.
Distance between plants: 40 cm.
Soil requirements: moist, loamy.
Features: decorative fruits.
Use: for planting in groups, in high mixborders, in addition: it is a good honey plant, cut flower and aquatic plant.
1,0 g = 180 seeds.
Agricultural technology.
It is easily propagated by seeds: there are no difficulties with germination and growing seedlings.
The plant prefers a sunny place, is not demanding of soil, and is responsive to mineral fertilizers. Seeds are sown in February-March in boxes. The seeding depth is 0.5-1 cm. At a temperature of +18°C, seedlings appear on days 10-14. Seedlings dive 2-3 weeks after germination. Planted in open ground in May. Planting distance 25-50 cm.
Young plants bloom in the 2nd year. The plant is quite winter-hardy, but in the first years, it is advisable to provide preventive shelter for the winter.

Swamp Milkweed, Rose Milkweed, Swamp Silkweed, White Indian Hemp.