Brachycome iberidifolia
Brand: Semo
Packaged:0,2 g
Ex Tax: 1.25€
Brachycome "Mixture of colours" (Swan River Daisy).
Very graceful, strongly branched, annual plant 15-25 cm tall, with graceful leaves and basket-shaped inflorescences 3-4 cm in diameter.
Blooms profusely from mid-June to October. Prefers fertile, well-drained soils and sunny positions.
Seeds ripen in September and remain viable for 2-3 years. 1.0 g = 6000 seeds.
Agricultural technology.
Sowing for seedlings is carried out in March in boxes with light sandy soil. Seeds are slightly pressed into the soil, without sprinkling with earth. The landing container is covered with glass and placed in a lighted place. At a temperature of +20°C, shoots appear on the 8-12th day. Seedlings dive into the phase of 2-3 true leaves. Seedlings are planted in May.
For better branching, pinch the tops of young plants.
It is used to decorate flowerbeds, borders, borders, alpine slides, as pot culture.

Brachycome iberidifolia Ibeeriselehine tukalill
Swan River Daisy, Brachycome.

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