Carrot "Flakkee" (on the tape)
Late, fertile variety. Harvested in 115-120 days after germination of seeds. Root crops ar cone-shaped, bright orange colour, sweet, 18-24 cm long. Do not tend to crack. Suitable for autumn harvest and storage during the winter. Grow best in cultivated, humus rich, not soggy light loam or sandy loam soil. If soil is heavy, germination is poor, roots are short, branched, cracked.
Late, fertile variety. Harvested in 115-120 days after germination of seeds. Root crops ar cone-shaped, bright orange colour, sweet, 18-24 cm long. Do not tend to crack. Suitable for autumn harvest and storage during the winter. Grow best in cultivated, humus rich, not soggy light loam or sandy loam soil. If soil is heavy, germination is poor, roots are short, branched, cracked.
* What are the health benefits of carrots?
Carrots are a healing product. They contain a lot of carotene, which helps improve vision.
Fresh carrot juice cures thrush in infants, heals purulent wounds, removes cholesterol, and is useful for anemia.
Tea made from carrot and parsley leaves (1:1) is useful for kidney stones.
A decoction of carrot seeds relieves spasm of the coronary vessels.
There is evidence that blood cholesterol levels can be reduced by 10% in just three weeks if you eat just 4 raw carrots daily.
Older people are advised to get rid of age spots by making a mask of grated carrot pulp every day during the summer.