Cichorium intybus var. sativum
Brand: Franchi
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Succory "di Chiavari" - Cichorium intybus L.
Chicory, blue daisy, blue sailors, coffee chicory, coffee weed, common chicory,  wild chicory, wild succory.
Officinal (medicinal) plant; 
Flowering: VII-IX.
Clim. zone: Z2-9.
Heigh: 80 cm.
Common chicory is a perennial herb from the Asteraceae family 1-1.5 m high with a taproot up to 1.5 m long. Basal leaves form a rosette. This unpretentious plant, of course, should be planted in the garden - a lacy blue chicory cloud will greatly decorate the site. It blooms with bright blue flowers, collected in baskets, from June to September. A wonderful honey plant.
Medicinal properties: the leaves and roots contain vitamins C and B1, carotene and chicoryic acid. The high content of inulin contributes to the effectiveness of chicory in diabetes mellitus and metabolic disorders, liver diseases, and fat metabolism disorders.

* Wild Chicory root (Cichorium intybus) is a herbaceous plant found in the temperate and subtropical zones of Eurasia in wastelands, along roads, in meadows, that is, almost everywhere. It can be recognized by its straight stem, small serrated leaves and sky-blue flowers. 
There are about 10 species of chicory. The most famous are common chicory (or root chicory), widely used to make a coffee substitute, and salad chicory (or endivy), cultivated as a salad plant. 
The roots of root chicory contain a lot of the polysaccharide inulin (up to 49%). Due to this, chicory roots have long been used (and are still used) to make sweet syrup. 
However, even more often, chicory roots are used to make a drink, which was later invented to be used as a substitute (surrogate) for coffee. The thing is that this drink is somewhat similar to coffee (more in color than in taste), but does not contain caffeine - a substance that has a stimulating effect on the nervous system and heart of a person, and therefore is contraindicated for some people. For the sake of such a drink, even special varieties of chicory with a thickened root were bred.
So, to make the drink, chicory roots are used, resembling a carrot in shape. They are washed, dried, fried until brown, and then ground. Chicory prepared in this way contains up to 70% of substances soluble in hot water.
The process of preparing the drink is not complicated: ground chicory is simply brewed with boiling water, and this produces a pleasant-tasting drink. Although a drink made from chicory is not as aromatic as from natural coffee, it has no restrictions in use and is even useful: chicory drink calms the nervous system, improves appetite, and has a beneficial effect on bowel function. In other words, chicory drink, unlike coffee, has no contraindications, does not carry the risk of harmful effects on the body, and at the same time, the nutritional value of chicory drink is higher than natural coffee. 
Coffee substitutes are made not only from chicory. Barley, oats, rye, soybeans, chestnuts, acorns are also great for coffee drinks. All of them also do not contain caffeine. The principle of preparing the drink is almost the same: the seeds of these plants are first roasted, then ground.

Cichorium intybus Juursigur Цикорий

Decoctions of chicory root are used as a choleretic and diuretic. Chicory is also useful for raising the general tone, mood, improving blood composition. Recommended for diet food. Chicory has bactericidal properties, heals wounds, and is also used for more serious skin conditions such as eczema and swelling. Regular use of chicory helps a person cleanse his body of toxins, toxins, radioactive substances and heavy metals.
There is no caffeine in chicory roots and it does not have an exciting effect on the central nervous and cardiovascular systems. The dried roots of chicory are also added to the herbal tea mixture. Raw chicory roots are stewed, fried, boiled, used in salads along with other vegetables. Bleached wild chicory leaves can be eaten stewed, boiled, fried. For bleaching, young shoots and leaves are wrapped in sackcloth in spring so that no light penetrates to them, and sprinkle with earth from the sides. After 2-3 weeks, the leaves will bleach.

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