An undemanding leaf vegetable with medium-green leaves and semi-upright habitus, grown for leaves, which are prepared like lettuce, but have greater nutritional value.
It has a short growing period, suitable for sowing in early spring or in July. Seeding from late August till early October is left to overwinter and cropped in early spring.
Sown in 10 cm rows; pre-cultivating of seedlings is also possible.
1,0 g = 600-900 seeds.
The leaves of this salad have a delicate texture and aroma, an exquisite sweet-nutty flavor and a slight tartness.
Contains more iron than other types of salad, as well as vitamins A and E, B9 (promotes rapid cell regeneration).
Corn salad is good both on its own and in combination with other salad vegetables and various products (meat, onions, citrus fruits, nuts), olive oil.
Has a tonic and wound-healing effect, is an aphrodisiac.
Obtaining a vitamin harvest: June-October.
Valerianella is one of the main frost-resistant varieties of winter salads. Forms oblong petiolate, whole rosette leaves.
With the earliest sowing, the first leaves can be collected at the end of August, but it is possible much later. Leaves grown under film are more tender. The outer leaves are cut off with a sharp knife, and thus the harvest can be collected until late autumn. The leaves of this salad have a sweetish specific taste. Contains a large number of vitamins, mineral salts, carotene, has medicinal properties; the leaves are used to prepare salads, sauces and side dishes for meat and fish dishes.
! When blooming, valerianella becomes unsuitable for consumption.
The time for sowing seeds in open ground: in April, as soon as the soil warms up to a depth of 5-7 cm to +10 °C, and until mid-June; shoots appear on the 8-10th day; to get salad early in the spring, winter sowing is carried out in August. Before the onset of frost, the plants form several true leaves. To prevent them from freezing, in the fall they are covered with straw, spruce branches.
The time for sowing seeds for seedlings: 2nd decade of March - 1st decade of April. Sowing depth: no deeper than 1-2 cm.
Sowing pattern: row sowing, 35-45 cm between rows, 10-15 cm between plants in a row.
Temperature conditions: the plant is very cold-resistant, tolerates frosts down to -10-15°C without damage; the optimum temperature for growth and development is +18+20°C.
Watering: the crop loves moisture, develops poorly in hot, dry weather, and the leaves quickly become coarse from lack of water.
Feeding: as a rule, it is not carried out, only after emergence, 5-10 g of urea or ammonium nitrate can be added per 1 m2; when fresh manure and large doses of nitrogen fertilizers are added, as well as when grown in the shade, it accumulates a lot of nitrates and becomes unsuitable for food.
Corn salad can also be grown in protected soil, using greenhouses that are vacated at the end of summer.
Eng.: Corn salad, LAMB`S LETTUCE SALAD. Bot. syn.: Valerianella olitoria (L.) Pollich.