Cucumis sativus L.
Brand: Seklos AGRONOM
Packaged:1,0 g
Availability:In Stock
Ex Tax: 0.75€
Salad cucumber ''Beith Alpha''.
Designed for open ground.
An early, high-yielding variety of smooth-skinned salad cucumber, about 15-17 cm long, resistant to most diseases. Harvesting 55 days after planting in the ground. The plant is strong, the fruits are dark green, without bitterness, dense, crispy, well stored and transported. 
1 gram = 30-45 seeds.

Salad cucumber. Bot.: Cucumis sativus L.

* The homeland of cucumber is the tropical regions of India. In its homeland, the cucumber grows in forests in the form of a vine, the long vines of which climb high into the trees, and the fruits hang down.
In terms of its heat-loving properties, it is perhaps superior to all garden crops grown in the open ground of Estonia: at a temperature of +15°C, the cucumber sharply slows down its growth, and at +10°C, it stops growing altogether, and at the slightest frost it dies.
What to do if, after planting cucumber seedlings, the cold returns again?
This is quite common in Estonia. Of course, you can cover a bed with cucumbers with film, but if you don’t have it at hand, then a very simple “old-fashioned” method can help: plantings with cucumbers are covered with burlap, straw, or just unnecessary rags. Such shelter, of course, does not protect against the cold, but in the dark, cucumbers tolerate the cold much better than in the light. Without light they become more cold-resistant.
There are also many other ways to protect cucumbers from the adverse effects of cold weather. It is good to plant cucumbers in a bed that has a slight slope to the south, and to grow them on a trellis near the southern wall of a building.
There are also completely original ways of growing cucumbers: for example, some gardeners claim that cucumbers grow well... in a barrel without a bottom.
In Ukraine, they practice planting cucumbers interspersed with rows of corn, which create a special microclimate on the cucumber plantation - this is how the famous Nezhynsky cucumbers are grown, which for many are the standard of cucumber taste.

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