Phacelia campanularia
Brand: Legutko
Packaged:0,5 g
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Desert bluebell "Californian bell" - Phacelia campanularia.
Beautiful honey plant!
Low-growing annual plant 20-25 cm tall. Stems are erect, reddish, shoots are juicy, fragile, reddish on the sunny side.
The leaves are arranged alternately up to 6 cm long, petiolate, weakly lobed, bluish-green with a brownish-red border along the edge of irregular teeth.
Flowers 2.5-3 cm in diameter, bell-shaped, dark blue with dark spots at the base, collected 10-12 in one-sided racemose inflorescences.
Blooms profusely from mid-June 30-40 days. Fruiting. Seeds remain viable for 3-4 years. Gives abundant self-seeding.
Name: comes from the Greek word "phakelos" - a bunch, and is explained by the arrangement of flowers in the inflorescence.
Homeland: Southern California.
In culture since 1882.
It has a taller variety "Blue Bonnet" - bushes up to 40 cm tall, bright blue flowers.
Location: Prefers full sun and light, fertile, well-drained soils of all types (except saline).
Reproduction: seeds, which are sown in April-May directly in place. Does not tolerate transplant. Shoots appear in 5-8 days. They are thinned out at a distance of 10-15 cm. For abundant flowering, the plants are fed 2 times with a complete mineral fertilizer.
Uses: Phacelia are grown mainly for their beautiful bright blue flowers. They can be easily combined with other plants in flower beds, and can also be used as border and container plants.
Phacelia is an excellent honey plant. There is a lot of nectar in its flowers, and even from afar you can feel their honey aroma.

Phacelia campanularia

Phacelia campanularia
Desert bluebells, desertbells, desert bell.

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