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Origin: Tropics of East Africa. Curly annual.
Three-lobed leaves, moth-like flowers, collected in brushes, white, raspberry and purple in color. The duration of flowering of one flower is three days, and the entire brush: 18-20 days.
Flowering time: from July to frost. Decorative and curved flat beans with a spout (up to 6 cm long), having a green or purple color.
Dark maroon flat beans decorate the plant for a long time in autumn. From July to the end of October, dolichos densely decorate the surface to a height of 2.5 - 4 m.
Location: dolichos is thermophilic and grows well only in sufficiently warm places. Hyacinth beans require loose soil and a sunny location.
Care: supports are needed, the stems are tied up and guided. Water moderately, fertilize weekly. Pests and diseases are rare.
Reproduction: by sowing seeds at the end of April. Seeds are placed at a distance of 15 - 30 cm from each other (they need scarification).
Usage: for vertical gardening of houses, fences, detached arbors.

* A native of hot countries, and therefore loves bright light and warmth, grows poorly in the shade. Blooms from the second half of July until frost. Doesn't get sick with anything.
It is propagated by sowing seeds at the end of February, be sure to sow a few pieces - this plant is cross-pollinated. The pots are filled with loose nutrient soil by 3-4 cm, watered, the seed is placed and covered. At temperatures above +22 degrees, the sprout appears on the 7-10th day. The top of the plant above the fourth leaf should be pinched. For top dressing, you can use complex fertilizer.
Seedlings can be planted outdoors in mid-June, when the threat of spring frost has passed. The optimal distance is 50-60 cm from each other.
The flower needs reliable supports: ordinary twine will not withstand the weight of the vine.
Eng.: Hyacinth Bean. Suom.: Hyasinttipapu. Sven.: Rödbladig Hjälmböna.Bot.syn.: Lablab purpureus (L.), Dolichos soudanensis.
Dolichos is a mystery plant of an indeterminate place of origin, captivating with its whole being - this is not a bean, not a lentil, but a stand-alone culture.
However, the halo of mystery excites curiosity even more.
The age of dolichos is another secret: we can only guess about him, like the age of a woman. It is known that this is one of the oldest legumes.
According to one version, dolichos is considered Egyptian beans, according to another - Macedonian. Only one thing is known for certain - dolichos has an unearthly taste.
Cook it as a side dish or main dish. Add to soup or salad. Season with ginger and coconut. Its rich fresh grassy aroma is unique. The taste is reminiscent of fresh green beans, but more tender and softer.
What is this plant and why is it? It is possible to comprehend the truth, because it is somewhere nearby. Maybe even closer than you think...