Arabis caucasica
Brand: PNOS
Packaged:0,3 g
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Ex Tax: 1.25€
Snow-in-summer (white rock cress) - Arabis caucasica.
Unpretentious, frost-resistant perennial. Exquisite garden decoration.
Plant height 15-20 cm. Inflorescence diameter 1.5 cm.
A light-loving ground cover plant of the Cabbage family with grey-green densely pubescent leaves and white flowers collected in racemose inflorescences up to 8 cm long.
Used to decorate flower beds and rock gardens. It blooms in June-July, forming a continuous carpet of numerous flowers.
Winter-hardy, but in open areas requires light shelter. It grows well on poor, loose, dry soils. Seeds are sown in spring or before winter.
Arabis is a wonderful honey plant: its sweet smell is felt at a great distance and fills the whole garden. Looks amazing on rocky areas, in small groups in the foreground of mixborders, in the device of dry pick-up walls and on the cut.
Agricultural technology.
It is not demanding on soils, but prefers loose, moist soil and a sunny location, and tolerates partial shade. Seeds for seedlings are sown in March-April (in open ground) or before winter.
After the appearance of the first two true leaves, the seedlings dive. They are planted in open ground at the end of May, maintaining a distance between plants of 20-30 cm.
Particular attention should be paid to weeding, in dry and hot weather, the plant is watered abundantly.
Arabis grows quickly to the sides and can drown out plants growing nearby, so it is necessary to shorten shoots that grow strongly and go to the sides, which significantly improves flowering next year.
With proper care, Arabis will delight for many years with lush flowering, rich aroma and an attractive carpet of foliage.

Kaukaasia hanerohi

Arabis caucasica Kaukaasia hanerohi
Snow-in-summer, garden arabis, white rock cress. Bot. syn.: Arabis albida Steven ex Jacq.

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