Thymus vulgaris L.
Brand: Semo
Packaged:0,2 g
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Garden Thyme - Thymus vulgaris.
A perennial, medicinal, decorative, nectariferous, spice herb. Grows best in permeable, potassium loam or sandy loam, in a sunny place. Plants are cut down at the beginning of the blooming process. Fresh and dried leaves, young shoots and blooms are used. Fits meat dishes, sauces and roasts and marinates as a seasoning. Thyme tea is drunk when you have respiratory diseases.
The stem is strongly branched, up to 40 cm high. The leaves are small (5-10 mm). The flowers are small, corollas lilac-pink, sometimes white. Blooms in May - June.
Green and dried leaves, and young plants are used. Cut off at the beginning of flowering.
1,0 g = 3400-4800 seeds.
Thyme is a part of spice mixes and sauces. In cooking, mainly green mass is used. It flavours the meat, mushroom, vegetable, fish, egg dishes, drinks and tinctures.
Thyme is used in pickling and salting.
Thyme has a strong aroma, so it is used in small quantities. In fish dishes, the norm is increased by three to five times. Thyme is added to liquid dishes 15-20 minutes before readiness, in the rest - in the process of cooking.
medicinal properties.
Thyme essential oil has disinfectant, analgesic and antihelminthic properties. Liquid extract of thyme is used for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, and for coughing.
Fresh and dry thyme leaves - for whooping cough, rheumatism of the joints, bloating, and diseases of the digestive organs. It is prescribed as a diuretic, choleretic, diaphoretic, blood-purifying, sedative, and expectorant.
A decoction or tincture of plants is used for bronchitis, and pneumonia, to improve coughing. Thyme compress - for diseases of the joints, muscles, etc.

Garden Thyme English Thyme Tarha-ajuruoho timjami Kryddtimjan Liivatee harilik Тимьян обыкновенный

Helps with insomnia and nervous overload.
Contains essential oil, mineral salts (Mg, K, Ca), ascorbic acid and flavonoids.
Vegetation period from full shoots to the last collection of 150 days. It has creeping flowering, well-leafy shoots. The leaves are small, oblong-ovate, dark green above, and greyish-violet below. The flowers are light pink, collected at the ends of the branches in capitate inflorescences.
The yield of green mass from one plant is 50 g.
Prefers light sandy soils. Leaves and shoots are used fresh and dried as spicy herbs for various dishes and sauces, for pickling vegetables and preparing drinks.
Thyme has strong antiseptic and disinfectant properties. Included in the chest collections, used in traditional medicine to strengthen memory.
It will take its rightful place in curbs, group plantings on rocky hills and along garden paths. It forms dense clumps, completely covered with pinkish-lilac inflorescences, which exude an unusually charming aroma on hot summer days ...
Thyme is characterized by long and abundant flowering, resistance to diseases and pests is not afraid of trampling, and is an excellent honey plant.
Sowing: in open ground in early spring (April), with a distance between rows of 35 cm. In the phase of the first true leaf, the plants are thinned to a distance of 20 cm.
Seedlings are sown at the end of March. Plants are planted in open ground at the age of 60 days, according to the scheme 60x20 cm.
Thyme prefers well-drained, fertile, neutral soils. In one place grows up to 5 years.
Care: consists of loosening, weeding, watering and top dressing (especially during the flowering period).

Garden Thyme, English Thyme. Bot.: Thymus vulgaris L.

* Olive oil with aromatic herbs.
Light olive oil – 450 ml
Salvia leaves – 5 pcs.
Marjoram leaves – 3 pcs.
Thyme – 1 sprig
Rosemary – 1 sprig
Bay leaf – 2 pcs.
The herbs are thoroughly washed and laid out on a towel to dry.
Salvia leaves, marjoram, sprigs of rosemary, thyme and bay leaf are placed in a clean, dry bowl.
Heat the olive oil over low heat (do not bring to a boil) and pour in the herbs so that it covers them completely. Or put the greens in heated olive oil, let it cool, and pour everything together into a clean, dry container.
Leave for 3 weeks, then filter and store in a dark, cool room or refrigerator.

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