Delphinium consolida L.
Brand: Seklos
Packaged:1,0 g
Ex Tax: 1.25€
Royal knights spur "Rose Queen" (Forking larkspur) - Delphinium consolida.
A beautiful flowering garden plant, cultivated as an annual. A very valuable quality of this species is unpretentiousness.
When cultivated on fertile soils and in the absence of competitors, it forms large bushes - up to 120 cm high.
Remains decorative for 1.5-2 months, almost until frost. Inflorescences in the form of double panicles - up to 30 cm long.
The bright colour is completely preserved when dried and even in direct sunlight does not fade, practically throughout the year.
The pure pink colour, absent in perennial varieties, adds pleasant variety to the garden palette. Very beautiful in single plantings against a lawn, as well as in combination with blue and white varieties.
Delphinium is ideal for cutting, as well as for making dry bouquets.
Agrotechnics: the plant prefers a bright place in the garden, loamy fertile soil. Seeds with high germination rates can be sown directly into the ground. Sowing is carried out in spring or autumn - before winter, followed by shelter. After rolling, the seeds must be covered with a layer of soil, since they germinate only in the dark. Under no circumstances should the crops be allowed to dry out. To do this, they are covered with foil during the first days. Watering is necessary only for young plants, and only for a short time - delphinium does not tolerate stagnant water. During the period of active growth, the optimal temperature is about +15+18°C.
The plots are regularly loosened, weeded, and periodically fertilized with a complex mineral fertilizer.

Bot. syn.: Consolida regalis S.F.Gray.

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