Armeria pseudarmeria
Brand: Seklos
Packaged:30 s.
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Large flowered Thrift "Ballerina Red" - Armeria formosa = Armeria latifolia.
The original globular inflorescences rise beautifully above the leaf cushions. The plant is about 40 cm high.
Narrow linear leaves are collected in a rosette. Flowers in capitate inflorescences up to 4 cm in diameter.
A very undemanding plant. Drought-resistant. It achieves the greatest decorative effect when planted in sunny places with light, permeable soil.
Used for rock gardens, rockeries and groups, it is possible to use for cutting.
Sowing: end of April - May.
The emergence of seedlings: at a soil temperature of + 16 + 18 ° C, seedlings appear in 14-21 days.
Distance between plants: 15-20 cm.
Can be grown through seedlings, while sowing is necessary in February - March in boxes. With an early sowing period, flowering is possible in the fall of the same year.
The plant does not like calcareous soil.

Eng.: Great thrift, Large flowered Thrift. Bot. syn.: Armeria latifolia Willdermann, Armeria formosa.

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