Tulipa tarda
Brand: Jelitto
Packaged:0,1 g
Availability:In Stock
Ex Tax: 1.20€
Tulipa tarda.
An excellent plant for a rock garden.
Perennial from the Liliaceae family.
Endemic from the Tien Shan.
The flowers are star-shaped, golden yellow, with creamy white tips. The bright colors contrast with the dark green foliage.
Flowering plant height: 15 cm.
Foliage: 5-7 leaves, linear to narrow-lanceolate, up to 22 cm long, 2 cm wide, bluish-shiny green.
Natural flowering period: April - May.
Distance between plants: 10 cm.
Winter hardiness zones: Z4 – Z7.
Soil requirements: average.
Introduced into culture in the first years of the 20th century. One of the most decorative types for landscape design. Indispensable for landscaping rocky areas. Stable in open ground. Tolerates great depth. Propagates well vegetatively and by seeds. Seedlings bloom in the 3-4th year.
It differs from varietal tulips in its strong and pleasant aroma. The flowering time of each flower is 10-14 days. Pairs perfectly with early blue perennials to create a delightful spring composition.
1,0 g = 180 seeds.

Hilistulp, Tulipa tarda
Late tulip. Bot.syn.: Tulipa dasystemon hort.

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