Capsicum annuum L.
Brand: Semo
Packaged:0,4 g
Ex Tax: 2.25€
Hot pepper "Kristian".
Maturity: mid early.
Unripe colour: green.
Ripe colour: yellow.
Number of lobes: 2-3.
Flesh thickness: 2 mm.
Average size: 8x1 cm.
Weight: 10-12 g.
Scoville heat units (SHU): 30000-55000.

Yellow hot pepper Kristian

Burning and pungent fruits contain a large amount of vitamin A and C.
Hot pepper also has antioxidant properties, improves appetite and digestion,
reduces the risk of diseases of the cardiovascular system, improves blood circulation.
SOWING: seeds are sown for seedlings in late February-early March. Dive in the phase of 1-2 true leaves.
In unheated greenhouses, 60-65 day old seedlings are planted in late May - early June, according to the scheme 50x40 cm.
Loamy, breathable soils are preferred. Good predecessors are cucumber, legumes, cabbage.
CARE: pepper is responsive to the application of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers and fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers throughout the entire growing season
(for better fruit setting). Plants are demanding on soil moisture and low air humidity.
Therefore, watering is carried out after sunset with warm water under the root.
For the development of the root system, regular loosening of the soil should be carried out.

* Cholesterol control.
Studies in India and the United States have shown that small amounts of hot chili peppers
lowers cholesterol levels, that is, it can serve as a prophylactic and to prevent cardiovascular diseases.
All peppers, regardless of spiciness, have approximately the same beneficial properties: first of all, it is a high content of vitamin C,
which in pepper is 2-3 times more than in citrus fruits. Peppers are a source of carotene, rutin and most of the B vitamins, especially B6.
They are rich in potassium, as well as magnesium, iron and phosphorus. Has an analgesic effect in arthritis,
and capsaicin helps fight cancer cells, kills parasites in the gastrointestinal tract, stimulates hair growth, inhibits the growth of adipose tissue cells.
In addition, regular consumption of chili peppers strengthens the walls of blood vessels, lowers insulin and blood glucose levels,
improves blood circulation and guarantees good sleep.
Hot pepper stimulates metabolism and thermogenesis, which ultimately leads to weight loss.

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