Type: Winter.
Weight: up to 110 g.
A mid-late overwintering onion variety. This variety can be harvested either with tops to be bunched or in the usual way.
Sow in mid-August.
1,0 g = 250-320 seeds.
Agricultural technology.
Onions prefer fertile, light loams or loamy chernozems with a neutral reaction (does not tolerate acidic soils).
The best predecessors: cucumber, cabbage, tomato, potato, legumes. When growing for onion sets, seeds are sown in autumn or early spring (as soon as the soil allows) on ridges, across which grooves are made (every 10-15 cm). Seeds are sown every 1-1.5 cm, to a depth of 1.5-2.0 cm. When growing for bulbs, the row spacing should be 20-30 cm. After sowing, the soil is slightly compacted. During autumn sowing, the rows are mulched with humus and peat. Onion sets are removed as soon as the leaves begin to turn yellow and lie down.
When growing for bulbs, the seeds are sown in early spring with a row spacing of 20-30 cm, a sowing depth of 1.5-2.0 cm. In the phase of 2-3 true leaves, the crops are thinned at a distance of 3-4 cm between plants. If necessary, make top dressing.
Overwintering onion. Bot.: Allium cepa L.