Red Beet "Pablo" F1
Beta vulgaris L. var. conditiva Alef.
Ex Tax: 62.05€
Ex Tax: 62.05€
Beet "Pablo" F1.
One of the best quality round hybrids, with a smooth, dark red skin and flesh, and a small taproot. Ideal for growing as baby beets and delicious in salads.
Stands well without bolting or going woody.
Cropping: harvest June onwards.
Sowing Instructions: sow March to July thinly, 1 cm deep in drills 30 cm apart.
Growing Instructions: thin seedlings to about 2 cm for "baby beets" or to 5-7 cm for larger roots Use the thinnings in salads.
Aftercare Instructions: keep well watered during dry weather.
Harvesting Note: roots can be lifted in late Autumn, tops twisted off, and stored in boxes of dry sand or peat in a frost free warehouse.
One of the best quality round hybrids, with a smooth, dark red skin and flesh, and a small taproot. Ideal for growing as baby beets and delicious in salads.
Stands well without bolting or going woody.
Cropping: harvest June onwards.
Sowing Instructions: sow March to July thinly, 1 cm deep in drills 30 cm apart.
Growing Instructions: thin seedlings to about 2 cm for "baby beets" or to 5-7 cm for larger roots Use the thinnings in salads.
Aftercare Instructions: keep well watered during dry weather.
Harvesting Note: roots can be lifted in late Autumn, tops twisted off, and stored in boxes of dry sand or peat in a frost free warehouse.
The most popular red beet hybrid from Holland.
Mid-season (the period from germination to the beginning of ripeness is 78-90 days).
The root crop is rounded, smooth, dark red. Root diameter 10-13 cm, weight 109-180 g.
The pulp is intensely colored, without division into annular zones. Well kept.
Eng.: Red Beet. Suom.: Punajuurikas. Sven.: Rödbeta.
* Do not use fresh manure to fertilize the beets, otherwise lateral roots will begin to form.
Therefore, fertilize beets only with rotted manure.