Rumex acetosa L.
Brand: Legutko
Packaged:0,25 g
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Ex Tax: 1.25€
Sorrel "Handsome" - Rumex acetosa.
High-yielding, early-ripening variety of perennial green crop: the first harvest from full shoots to the first cut is 36-42 days.
The variety is intended for growing both in protected and open ground throughout the season.
The bushes are semi-erect, up to 30 cm high and 35-42 cm in diameter. The leaves are large, the leaf tissue is tender, juicy, the taste is slightly sour.
It is used for culinary processing, canning and freezing. It grows back well after wintering and cutting (3-4 cuts are made per season).
In the year of sowing, the first cutting of greens is carried out 2-2.5 months after germination. Flower stalks are regularly removed. The last mass cutting is carried out no later than mid-August for successful overwintering of plants. The yield for the growing season is up to 4.6 kg / m2. 1.0 g = 300-400 seeds.
Agricultural technology.
Sorrel is a perennial herbaceous plant. It is one of the earliest green crops, yielding a harvest from open ground in early spring.
Sorrel is a cold-resistant plant, winters well without any shelter, tolerates spring frosts down to -7-10℃. Seeds germinate at a temperature of +2+3℃, but friendly shoots appear when the soil warms up to +16+18℃. With sufficient soil moisture, sorrel also tolerates high temperatures well.
Sorrel is a moisture-loving crop. With a lack of moisture in the soil, the leaves become coarse, smaller, and the plant quickly forms a peduncle.
The plant is shade-tolerant, can be grown in shaded areas. However, to obtain early greens and greens with a high vitamin content, crops should be placed in open and well-heated areas. You can grow in one place for 3-4 years.
For sorrel, weed-free, fertile areas with a slightly acidic reaction are allocated, which are freed early from snow and spring waters. 10-15 kg / m2 of organic fertilizers are added during digging in the fall. It is better to place plants in rows with row spacing of 40-50 cm.
The seeding rate is 0.5-1.0 g / m2, the depth of planting is 2-3 cm. Sow in early spring (the best time), or in summer. Shoots appear 5-10 days after sowing. It is advisable to cover the crops with a light covering material to protect the shoots from damage by fleas. After the formation of 2-3 pairs of true leaves, the seedlings are thinned out, leaving plants at a distance of 15 cm. After 15-20 days, the plants are thinned out again, leaving 30-35 cm between plants. When the plants grow back in the spring, the soil should be loosened, fertilized, and phosphorus and potassium fertilizers should be added at 20-30 g/m2. Harvesting begins when most of the leaves reach a length of 10-12 cm.

* For medicinal purposes, leaves, roots and fruits are used.
Sorrel leaves contain flavonoids, lipids, proteins, a small number of sugars, mineral salts, organic acids, carotene, vitamins B1 and B2, K, PP.
Tannins, vitamin K and other substances have been found in sorrel roots.
In fruits - vitamins C, K, PP, carotene, flavonoids, anthraquinones.
The drugs have astringent, hemostatic, diuretic, antiallergic, antiscorbutic, choleretic, antitoxic, antifungal and analgesic effects; as a means of improving digestion, reducing putrefactive fermentation in the intestines, and a wonderful antiscorbutic agent.

Sorrel salad with eggs.
Grind washed sorrel leaves, cut finely boiled eggs. Mix everything, salt, season with sour cream.
Sorrel salad with nuts.
Chop sorrel leaves, mix with chopped walnuts. We add honey.
Vegetable salad with sorrel.
Finely chop the sorrel, add coarsely grated carrots and boiled potatoes cut into slices. For dressing we use vegetable oil with chopped onions.
Salad with spinach and sorrel.
Chop spinach and sorrel, add chopped green onions. Prepare dressing by mixing honey with cranberries. Salad can be decorated with nuts.
Sorrel salad with olives.
Rinse sorrel, green onion, parsley, finely chop. Add chopped olives, salt and vegetable oil to taste. Then mix everything well and decorate with hard-boiled eggs.
Shchi is green.
Wash and finely chop the sorrel leaves. We cook meat broth, salt. Fry finely chopped onions, carrots, parsley, celery in vegetable oil for 5 minutes. We dip the sliced ​​potatoes into the hot broth, after 10-15 minutes - the roots, chopped hard-boiled egg and sorrel. Serve with sour cream and herbs. This recipe is also good for lean cabbage soup.
Borscht green.
We chop the beets, simmer until cooked. Fry the roots and onions. We lower the chopped potatoes into the boiling broth, after 10-15 minutes we add the stewed beets, fried roots, chopped sorrel and spices. We put sour cream in plates with borsch, you can decorate with slices of hard-boiled eggs.
Green okroshka.
My sorrel, boil in salted water, wipe. Cool the broth with sorrel, add finely chopped green onions, mashed with salt, finely chopped cucumbers, grated yolk. Serve with sour cream and dill.
Pie filling.
Different types of dough are used for pies: yeast, puff, etc. The filling can be made sweet by adding 100-150 g of sugar to 150 g of sorrel (sometimes this mixture is stewed in a small amount of water until soft).
And you can prepare the filling without sugar by adding a few leaves of mint or lemon balm to finely chopped sorrel for flavor. In this case, you need a little salt.
Sorrel leaves are harvested for future use by freezing or pickling. Then in winter you can please yourself and loved ones with a spring dinner.

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