Lychnis flos-cuculi
Brand: Jelitto
Packaged:0,1 g
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Ex Tax: 1.25€
Cuckoo Flower (Ragged Robin) - Silene flos-cuculi = Coronaria flos-cuculi.
Homeland: most of Europe.
Family: Caryophyllaceae.
Herbaceous perennial up to 75 cm tall. Forms large groups. In summer, loose clusters of pink flowers form on it.
Special Characteristics: attractive to butterflies and other pollinators. Suitable for natural landscape design. Used for plantings that do not require special care.
Foliage: basal leaves, rosette-shaped, oblong-lanceolate, winter-green.
Height with flowers: 10 cm.
Usage: for the rock garden, flowering potted plant.
Natural flowering period: May - June.
Requires moist soil. Not afraid of stagnant water.
Winter hardiness zones: Z3 – Z8. Winter-hardy down to -29 degrees.
* Seeds are characterized by rapid germination in a constantly moist (but not wet!) substrate at a temperature of about +20°C. The seeds can be sprinkled with a thin layer of substrate or sand, but if the seeds are very small, then only press lightly. After germination, cold germination conditions are desirable. To obtain 1000 plants you will need 0.5 g of seeds.
1.0 g = 4000 seeds.

Ragged robin. Bot. syn.: Coronaria flos-cuculi (L.) A. Braun, Silene flos-cucui (L.)

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