Viola labradorica Schrank
Brand: Jelitto
Packaged:0,03 g (20-25 s.)
Availability:In Stock
Ex Tax: 2.75€
Purple Labrador Violet "Purpurea" - Viola labradorica.
Unpretentious and hardy.
Low-growing ground cover perennial from the Violaceae family for rock garden.
In nature, it is distributed in the upper belts of the mountains of the eastern United States and Canada, as well as in the lowland tundra of the Labrador Peninsula and Greenland.
Features: Lovely ornamental purplish foliage makes this undersized species attractive throughout the growing season.
Flowers solitary, odorless.
Flower color: purple-blue with a white speck in the center.
Natural flowering period: April - June.
Foliage: dark with a purple tint. The creeping and low rising branched stem bears broadly ovate or almost round wintering leaves.
Flowering plant height: 10-15 cm.
Distance between plants: 20 cm.
Winter hardiness zones: Z2 - Z8.
Soil requirements: prefers light, loose, nutritious, fairly moist, but not waterlogged soils in a sunny or slightly shaded area.
Recommendations for sowing and care: sow in seedling containers or ridges with loose, water- and breathable soil in spring or autumn under snow. Ensure regular watering, loosening, shading from direct sunlight, if necessary, dive into a more nutritious soil. Plant the grown seedlings in a permanent place in the evening or in cloudy weather, shed well, and mulch.
In the spring, fertilize with a complete mineral fertilizer with trace elements. In summer, it is desirable to make wood ash. Organic matter in the form of well-rotted compost or leaf humus is applied as needed.
1.0 g = 950 seeds.

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