Phacelia tanacetifolia L.
Brand: Semo
Packaged:4,0 g
Availability:In Stock
Ex Tax: 1.25€
Bee food "Protana" (Lacy phacelia) - Phacelia tanacetifolia.

Name: comes from the Greek word "phakelos" - "bundle", and is explained by the arrangement of flowers in the inflorescence.
Initially, this plant was cultivated as an agricultural crop. Its flowers are rich in nectar, from which high quality honey is obtained. In addition, phacelia was used as a "green manure". It was sown on poor soils, illuminated by direct sunlight, since such conditions are suitable for it. Then the land was plowed, burying the whole plants, and thus enriching the soil with organic matter. Now this phacelia is grown mainly as an ornamental plant. Its shoots grow to a height of 50-100 cm and in the middle of summer form small flowers up to 2 cm in diameter. Their petals have an indefinite modest bluish-gray color. Phacelia goes well with any other flowering plants.
1.0 g = 700 seeds.

Jane Webb Loudon.

Phacelia tanacetifolia Keerispea

Eng.: Bee food, lacy phacelia. Suom.: Aitohunajakukka, hunajakukka. Sven.: Honungsfacelia, honungsört.

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