Excellent spicy aroma. Resistant to diseases and pests. Blooms in the first year!
Perennial evergreen shrub for dry sunny places.
One of the best spicy and aromatic crops. It has a tart taste with a slight bitterness and a unique bright aroma. Lavender flowers, leaves and twigs, fresh and dried, are used in cooking. They are placed in soups, salads, vegetable, meat and fish dishes, sauces and marinades. They are also added to jam, baked goods, liqueurs, and the flowers are candied to decorate cakes and pastries. Lavender goes well with other spices and is part of the Herbes de Provence seasoning.
In each national culture it is used and revealed in its own way, but the fact that it gives an intense, recognizable spicy aroma and the same spicy, bitter-tart taste is known, of course, to everyone...
Powdered lavender is sprinkled onto prepared dishes, similar to how many dishes are seasoned with ground black pepper...

Seeds are stratified in damp sand for 3-4 weeks (in the refrigerator, at a temperature of +3...+5°C). Sow superficially, under glass. Seedlings are planted in separate pots in the phase of 1-2 pairs of leaves. In the phase of 5-6 pairs of leaves, the growing point is pinched. The plants are light-loving and prefer well-drained soils with a light texture and neutral acidity.
Lavender blooms from July to October, and the rest of the time it is silver with neat leaves.
1,0 g = 1000 seeds.
Eng.: Common lavender, English lavender, true lavender. Bot. syn.: Lavandula officinalis Chaix., Lavandula delphinensis Jord ex Billot, Lavandula spica L., Lavandula vera DC.
* You can make your own spice from lavender - "lavender salt", which is perfect for using as a seasoning for meat and vegetable dishes. To do this, you will need half a cup of sea salt, which must be ground in a mortar and mortar with one teaspoon of dried lavender flowers. If your kitchen is located on the south side, then you can easily grow fragrant lavender in your pot right on the windowsill. And then you will always have fresh lavender on hand for making fragrant tea, especially since the famous lavender teas have long been famous for their calming and relaxing effect.
You can grow lavender on the windowsill from February to November as an ordinary houseplant, and send it to “sleep” in the basement or on the balcony for the winter.
Lavender exudes an attractive pleasant smell that promotes calm and relaxation. Having a positive effect on the nervous system, it is useful for migraines, excitability, insomnia and stress. So that the "lavender mood" does not leave you under any circumstances, you can make an "aroma bag" from a dried bunch of lavender. To do this, it is necessary to cut off the inflorescences immediately after the start of its flowering, at the stage when all the flowers in the spikelet are coloured and have not faded. The stems are tied into tight bundles and hung vertically in a dry, cool place, out of direct sunlight. Such bouquets can be arranged in small vases or filled with small aroma bags with flowers alone, which retain an intense smell for more than one year.