Cichorium intybus L. var. foliosum
Brand: Legutko
Packaged:0,5 g
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Leaf chicory salat ''Palla Rossa 3'' - Cichorium intybus L. var. foliosum.
Medium-early variety, grown in greenhouses and outdoors for spring and autumn harvests. Develop round loafs weighting about 600-800 grams with crispy, juicy leaves. Grow best in the temperature of +18+20°C, when growing during heat the leaves become bitter. This is a very valuable vegetable, reducing the content of sugar in blood. Sprouts are tolerant to short-term frosts. Grow best in non-weedy, moderately heavy or lighter soils.
Leaf Chicory is widely known for its nutritional and healing properties: high content of vitamins, especially C and B group, iron, calcium and magnesium salts.
Useful for diabetics and people with metabolic disorders.
The rosette of leaves is semi-erect, up to 30 cm in diameter, 15 cm high. The leaves are rounded, dark red, slightly wavy along the edge, with a whitish main vein, which makes this plant especially attractive both in the garden bed and when preparing fresh salads. The head of cabbage is round, dense, the average weight of the head is 400-600 g. The texture of the leaf tissue is crispy and has an excellent taste.
Sowing seeds in the ground is carried out from April to July. To obtain seedlings, seeds are sown in February-March at a temperature not higher than + 10 ° C in order to prevent early flowering. Seedlings dive into pots, planted in the ground at the age of 30-35 days at a distance of 30 cm.
To improve the taste, the leaves are bleached, tying the upper part of the outer leaves together 2-3 weeks before harvesting, covering the beds with black lutrasil or ripening the plants removed from the roots without access to light for a week.

Eng.: Chicory salat. Suom.: Salaattisikuri. Sven.: Sockertoppsallat. Bot.: Cichorium intybus L. var. foliosum.

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