Limonium gmelinii ssp. hungaricum
Brand: Jelitto
Packaged:0,15 g
Availability:In Stock
Ex Tax: 2.20€
Siberian Statice - Statice gmelinii.
Vigorous perennial plant about 60-90 cm high. Lavender-blue flowers are collected in inflorescences up to 70 cm in diameter. Blooms in late summer - early autumn. The plant is very beautiful both alive and dried and, in addition, is a good honey plant. In culture, the plant looks very beautiful and unusual in mixborders, on large rock gardens. Can be used as a solitaire. It is winter-hardy, but dry shelter for the winter is desirable. Requires shading from the spring sun, Likes open sunny places and permeable soils without stagnant water. Drought tolerant. Seeds are sown for seedlings from March to May. Seedlings are planted in a permanent place in late August - early September.

Limonium gmelinii, Statice gmelinii, Gmelini parkjuur

Limonium gmelinii, Statice gmelinii, Gmelini parkjuur
Siberian Statice. Bot.syn.: Statice gmelinii Willd.

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