Cucumis melo L.
Brand: Seklos
Packaged:1,0 g
1.06€ 1.15€
Ex Tax: 0.87€
Melon "Amarillo Canario".
Mid-early, productive variety. The plant is medium-climbing. The fruits are oval, smooth, yellow, without a pattern or mesh, medium-sized, portioned, weighing 1.5-2.8 kg. The pulp is light yellow, sweet, juicy and very aromatic.
Value of the variety: resistance to anthracnose and fusarium, excellent taste and aroma of fruits, perfectly stored and transported.
In areas of unsustainable agriculture, it is recommended to grow under film covers on a spread or in greenhouses on trellises. The stems are pinched after 5-6 leaves, and 3-5 fruits are left on the plant. Watering is stopped 10-15 days before ripening.
It is eaten fresh, used for preparing candied fruits, drying and drying.
To speed up the process of seed germination, improve plant health, and improve fruit set, it is recommended to use specially developed plant growth and development stimulants.
In Estonia, melon can be grown in a glass or film greenhouse, greenhouse or even on a glass balcony using the seedling method. 
(In more southern regions, a greenhouse will only be needed for seedlings, and during the growing season the plants will develop normally in open ground).
1,0 g = 25-40 seeds.

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