The variety is early maturing (67-76 days from germination to maturity).
The fruit is spherical, yellow, weighing up to 1.5 kg. The pulp is orange, firm, viscous and sweet.
The variety is resistant to low temperatures and other adverse conditions. Sowing seedlings - at the end of April.
1,0 g = 25-40 seeds.
Sowing for seedlings is carried out in late April - early May, so that when planted in a permanent place, the age of the plants is 30-35 days. If you sow earlier, the seedlings will outgrow and stretch out a lot. Planting plants at the age of 25 days is also acceptable, but in this case it is better to sow early maturing varieties. For sowing, use 10 cm peat pots or other containers. Nutrient soil is prepared from peat, humus and garden soil with the addition of ash (0.5 cups per 5 liters of mixture). 1-2 days before sowing, the seeds are placed on a damp cloth or filter paper, kept in a warm place at a temperature of +25..+30 °C so that they hatch. Before sowing, the soil is spilled with a strong solution of potassium permanganate. Sow 1 seed per pot, then water with settled water at room temperature and cover with film. When shoots appear, remove the film.
The optimum temperature for seed germination is +25+30 °C, in this case, shoots appear within 48 hours.
It is not necessary to occupy the entire greenhouse with melons. To begin with, you can grow several plants that will not require much space and significant time for care.
The best "neighbors" for melon are tomatoes or peppers, and not cucumbers, although they are related crops. The neighborhood of tomatoes is preferable, since they are grown until biological maturity, and not picked as greens after 2-3 days, like cucumbers. Water as needed, drying the soil a little - do not forget that melon is heat-loving and drought-resistant. As the seedlings grow and develop, fertilize and loosen the soil, as when growing any vegetable seedlings (for example, cucumber). You can use a complete complex fertilizer. Avoid high concentrations of fertilizers so as not to damage the delicate root system. Also, do not use dry fertilizers, mineral fertilizers must be diluted in water. Good quality melon seedlings usually have 5-6 true leaves, the plants look strong, healthy and stocky.
It should be borne in mind that melon plants are demanding of heat, dry air and light. The soil in the greenhouse should be fertile and loose, neutral or slightly alkaline. If the soil is acidic, then chalk or ash must be added; lime is added in advance.
Fresh manure should not be added to melons; humus or rotted manure and mineral fertilizers are used.
Remember that excessive doses of organic fertilizers, like mineral fertilizers, reduce the quality of the fruit, giving them a grassy taste, and also increasing the nitrate content.
The timing of planting seedlings depends on the outside temperature at night (frost is dangerous for melon plants). The optimal time is late May - early June.
In greenhouses, seedlings are placed on beds. Holes are made in the prepared soil, which are first watered. You can water with a pink solution of potassium permanganate to reduce the possibility of mold. If the seedlings are grown in peat pots, then they are planted in a permanent place together with them.
Do not deepen the plants into the soil too much so that the stems do not rot. They are not planted too often - usually 2-3 plants are placed per 1 m2, for more compact varieties and hybrids - 3-4. After planting, abundant watering is carried out.
Bot. syn.: Melo sativus.