Melilotus officinalis L.
Brand: Franchi
Packaged:500,0 g
Ex Tax: 16.95€
Sweet yellow clover (yellow melilot, ribbed melilot) - Melilotus officinalis.
Biennial plant of the Fabaceae family. The plant is bushy, erect, strongly branched, 1.5 m high, with long flowering, from June to September. The leaves are trifoliate. The flowers are small, yellow, very fragrant, collected in axillary racemes of 30-70 pieces.
Grade value: high biological activity and medicinal properties.
Decoctions and infusions of flowers and leaves are recommended to increase the content of leukocytes in the blood, the strength of capillaries, improve cerebral blood supply, with atherosclerosis, varicose veins, insomnia, migraine and melancholy. Externally with itching and swelling, bruises and sprains.
It is cultivated as a fodder, medicinal and ornamental crop, to improve and increase soil fertility.
500 g = 100 m2.

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Sweet yellow clover, yellow melilot, ribbed melilot. Bot. syn.: Melilotus arvensis Wallr., Melilotus bungeanus Boiss., Trifolium officinalis L.

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