Decorative in the first year!
Evergreen, fast-growing cereal perennial, forming dense turf in the shape of a beautiful tail. Graceful, green, silky, thread-like stems sway at the slightest breath of wind...
Plant height 40-60 cm. Forms dense turf, without creeping rhizomes. Stems are erect.
Used for group planting in parks and for dry bouquets.
Can be grown on alpine hills, in sunny flower beds to create free-style areas, in mixborders.
Used as dried flowers in winter compositions. Cutting is carried out before the seeds ripen.
Germination: Challenging.
Aftercare: Easy.
A very attractive Mexican grass for the border producing soft, wispy pony-tails. Quick to produce dense clumped plants.
Sowing Instructions: Sow February to July in trays, pots, etc of good seed compost in a propagator or warm place to maintain an optimum temperature of +15+18 C. Sow in well drained compost, just covering the seed with compost. 1.0 grams = 3500 seeds.
Germination can be slow. After sowing, seal container in a polythene bag and leave at +15+18 °C for 2 weeks, then place in a refrigerator (not freezer) for 3-6 weeks. After this, return to the recommended germination temperature, if germination does not occur in 6-10 weeks, return to the fridge for a further 3-6 weeks. Examine regularly whilst in the fridge and remove immediately the seeds show signs of germinating.
Growing Instructions: Transplant seedlings when large enough to handle into 7.5 cm pots. Acclimatise young plants to outdoor conditions before planting out 45-60 cm apart in full sun.
Aftercare Instructions: Plant in ordinary garden soil.
Needlegrass, Feather grass. Bot. syn.: Nassella tenuissima.