Mineral fertilizer
Brand: MKDS
Packaged:1,0 kg
Availability:In Stock
4.43€ 4.81€
Ex Tax: 3.63€
Chlorine-free, granular, mineral fertilizer for vegetables (N + P + K + Mg + S + B).
N - 11 (total nitrogen = ammonium nitrogen 9 + amide nitrogen 2).
P2O5 - 9 (water-soluble phosphorus).
K2O - 20 (water soluble potassium).
Mg - 1.5 (water-soluble magnesium).
S - 16 (water soluble sulfur).
B - 0.05 (water-soluble boron).

Application rates:  60-120 g/m2.

Entered locally. Sprinkle the fertilizer over the surface of the soil and mix into the soil. Or scatter around vegetative plants. Use only when identified as necessary. Do not exceed recommended limits.

* Fertilizers can be simple, consisting of only one element (for example: nitrogen, phosphorus or potassium) or complex, when such fertilizers contain additional trace elements.
Complex fertilizers are called complex.
Based on the composition, they are divided into double, having only a couple of elements in their composition (for example: nitrogen and phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium, or phosphorus and potassium) and triple, containing three or more elements, as well as trace elements.

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