Ocimum basilicum L.
Brand: Semo
Packaged:0,7 g
Availability:In Stock
Ex Tax: 1.95€
Sweet basil "Cinamonette".
Strong peppery flavour!
Mid-season (70-75 days) variety. The plant is semi-spreading, 40-60 cm high. The leaves are bluish-green and the flowers are purple.
Has a strong peppery aroma.
Heat, light and moisture-loving. Prefers fertile, well-drained fertilized soils.
In areas of unstable agriculture, it is grown under a film. For greater bushiness, the plant is pinched.
Variety value: excellent taste, high yield of green mass. Contains essential oils, carotene, rutin and trace elements, and has a bactericidal effect.
It is eaten fresh and dried: as a spice for fish and meat dishes, added to sauces and salads and used for canning vegetables and flavouring confectionery.
1.0 g = 800 seeds.

Vürtsbasiilik Ararat Basil Violet Basilika Базилик Арарат фиолетовый

Eng.: Basil.

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