In summer, its flowering is like a fire - the greenery already familiar to the eye at one moment flashes with scarlet lights, swaying from gusts of wind.
The blazing "bonfire" lasts only about two weeks, then the petals fall off, but it is impossible to forget it...
In care, the oriental poppy is unpretentious. Prefers open to the sun places, light drained soils. This poppy grows magnificently, actively propagating by root shoots.
Young bushes in the spring, before flowering, can be transplanted, watering abundantly at first.
At the same time, the plant sheds almost all the foliage, but does not die - a rhizome remains in the ground, which will definitely sprout in the spring.
Poppy is very resistant to drought, the scorching sun practically does not require care (except for pruning faded inflorescences and yellowed leaves).
When planting a perennial poppy, you need to keep in mind that it is aggressive and can drown out weaker neighbours.
It is advisable to choose a permanent place immediately so that later you do not have to wage a long-term war with it.
1,0 g = 4000 seeds.
Plant height - 80 cm. Dark red, large flowers.
Special Features: Brilliant red, crepe paper-like blossoms.
Family: Papaveraceae.
Origin: Southwest Asia.
Name: the name "papaver" was known to the Romans, they also knew the effect of opium, obtained from the Papaver somniferum.
The basis of the name is the word "papa" - father (poppy seeds in the old days were added to the food of small children to calm them).
Description: the genus has more than 100 species, originating from Central and Southern Europe, Asia, Australia.
Location: all poppies are light-loving, cold-resistant, perennial species are winter-hardy.
Soil: undemanding to soil. Do not tolerate stagnant water.
Care: respond well to the introduction of mineral and organic fertilizers (this gives the leaves a rich dark green color, flowers - larger sizes, color - brightness).
Reproduction: annual poppies are propagated by seeds, which can be sown in the spring at the earliest possible time, or before winter.
Seedlings appear on the 7-12th day, they are thinned out, leaving 15-20 cm between plants.
Almost all species, and especially Papaver rhoeas, if you leave some of the capsules, give abundant self-seeding (in 1 g up to 9000 seeds).
So, having sown them once, in the following years you will only need to thin out the emerging shoots.
Caring for poppies is not burdensome - weeding, loosening, watering in drought, pinching off faded flowers. They tolerate transplantation very poorly.
Perennial poppies are propagated by seeds, root and green cuttings. Seeds are sown early in the spring. They germinate in two weeks.
Seedlings are picked with the appearance of 1-2 true leaves immediately to a permanent place. For cuttings, take lateral shoots in the form of small rosettes that grow in spring or late summer, plant them on moistened beds and drive them in. They take root 2-3 weeks after planting. Grow for 1-2 years.
Since poppies are sensitive to transplantation, it is better to plant them immediately in a permanent place.
Use: they look beautiful in mixborders, groups, flower beds, rock gardens and in cutting (but do not last long).
Alpine poppy can be used to fill voids in a flower bed. In early spring, plant several young plants in pots - it will be difficult to dig them up later, since the plants quickly form a long taproot. Wait until the poppies in the pots bloom, and plant them where they match in colour.
Bright luxurious poppies are known even to those who have never grown flowers. Because without the colorful carpet of these plants it is impossible to imagine the warmth and joy of midsummer. However, perennial poppies can charm us not only with their flowers, but also with the elegance of their leaf rosettes.
Johnson Edward Killingworth.
Oriental Poppy. Bot. syn.: Papaver bracteatum.
* Poppies were the favorite flowers of Claude Monet, Renoir and Van Gogh...
In the famous Monet garden in Giverny in France, which is still preserved in the same form as during the artist's lifetime, the oriental poppy grows next to tall bearded irises and daisies.
As for the bad reputation of poppies as a source of drugs, the oriental poppy does not support it due to the absence of narcotic alkaloids.
Everything about the oriental poppy is beautiful - pinnate leaves with stiff pubescence, case-like buds, crumpled petals resembling delicate silk fabric, boxes with pores at the top on dried stems.
The plant is unpretentious and winter-hardy. It grows well in rich soil in sunny areas. In summer, it requires regular watering. It can grow in one place for many years.
It reproduces by sowing seeds, dividing bushes and root cuttings. Cuttings 5 cm long are cut in early spring or autumn and planted in sand in the direction of growth. Seedlings bloom only in the second year. When dividing, carefully dig out the roots, which go half a meter deep.